
When people have fracking by products in their ground water, I guess we can just tell them to move. You know, cuz my water is ok...

Can’t be Australian; if so it would have been beer or shrimp.

I don’t watch those shows.
Guaranteed I won’t watch ‘em now...

I will see this, and I will not hate it...

I stopped watch last year. Only watched bits and pieces of episodes this year. I’d like it to end. Going on just way too long. Stumble on a cure already...

No worries.
I am tethered to a cable box because I’m also a sports junkie. There’s just no better way to get all I get without a cable box. Maybe that’ll change at some point - I hope so...

i thought he was great


I don’t think they forgot. Huygens was a piggy-back mission, secondary to the main Cassini mission. They’re talking about a focused Titan landing mission. 

BOTH arms.

Yeah. Like totally different from all those times I choked my brother from far away...

the winner...

Well, if I have to choose between seeing the whole darn movie in the trailer - including important spoilers - and seeing a non-scene from the movie, I’d take the latter any day...

Doesn’t Hulk actually embody “angry sex”??

Bad guys skiing with machine guns always makes for a great sequence...

Weird but lovely.

Only attractive ones.

It was a captivating movie.

This is national security we’re talking about. You need the loyalty of dogs for this type of mission. Cat’s aren’t loyal; they shouldn’t be involved in any way...

4 points for that...