
Well said. I was done with it too. Looks like it will be a good series, but I don’t really want to learn what I already know about what OJ did. Very depressing on many levels.

The Panthers blew it. They weren’t prepared for a tough defence. Blaming the QB is unreasonable.

You get 4 points for that!

Great point - it was seeming to go somewhere fantastic. And then it didn’t. Darn.

Yup; I see the similarities. No question. But let’s be honest here. Comedians have been feeding off of each-other since the dawn of comedy.The best defense against this is to do more bits worth stealing...

Travis’ point is well taken - a fan base should never trust a wealthy owner. Their goals have always been, and always will be the bottom line above anything else. Saying that it’s “just business” is a way of saying that it’s okay I guess. Whatever. If you have a fave team in your city, pray that the owner is local,

Please stop this nonsense. Everyone knows that 3 & 4 are actually 1 & 2. Denying this is pointless.

...down to the latest radio developments...

That’s a biased opinion (at least as biased as folks that praise the thing). That being said, the day of the purpose-built aircraft is gone; high-performance aircraft design is just too expensive. US carriers are going to fly F-18s and F-35s for a long time.


That’s my point. The hate for the guys that gave it to you. But, let’s face it; you already knew that.

Oh great, a whole article on Star Wars hate.

“no one, not even Lord of Outer Darkness Dick Cheney, thinks this is a good plan”

I’d have to say no.
As a Jays fan, it’s hard to see a guy that went 7-1 down the stretch go away. The team will not be as good without him, and JA Happ doesn’t come close to filling that hole. And what they gave up to get Price...
But sh*t, that’s a lot of money. How many star players went into the sh*tter after signing

I’m game for a new space race! Let’s do this!!

Staying away from the whole anti-police / pro-police rhetoric...

Maybe better without the video.

“pilot’s “excessive rudder input during the test point...”

Hmmm. How polarizing this subject matter is.
