I’m okay with your article. Normally I hate this angle, but in this case I’m pretty sure you don’t hate Star Wars.
I’m okay with your article. Normally I hate this angle, but in this case I’m pretty sure you don’t hate Star Wars.
No need to try for long. Dead. Fast. Deader than a door nail. Those bastard Sith overlords are NOT very forgiving...
turns out that I am 100% spot on...
I dunno. I think it’s a wonderful time to be a Star Wars fan.
did you just say ‘objectively bad’ really?
Wonderful article!
The boom and receptacle are designed to tow an aircraft.
In such a way that this story was no big deal.
You’re saying that.
‘cept they’re not designed to do that. either way, this is an amazing story...
cost i guess
i don’t think that’s all that it teaches. pretty sure that isn’t what i came away with...
Yes, girls... and boys... need maths and sciences in school to succeed in life. Unless you’re going to be an entertainer or work in the service industry - and even then you’ll need some math...
is ike the catcher?
Guess we should surrender now...
no way! it’s a mental health issue; nothing to do with guns.