
I’m okay with your article. Normally I hate this angle, but in this case I’m pretty sure you don’t hate Star Wars.

No need to try for long. Dead. Fast. Deader than a door nail. Those bastard Sith overlords are NOT very forgiving...

turns out that I am 100% spot on...

I dunno. I think it’s a wonderful time to be a Star Wars fan.

did you just say ‘objectively bad’ really?

who holds their sister like that!?!

Wonderful article!

The boom and receptacle are designed to tow an aircraft.
In such a way that this story was no big deal.
You’re saying that.

Awesome pic.

It had its drawbacks to be sure, but the F4 was a totally bad-ass looking beast!

‘cept they’re not designed to do that. either way, this is an amazing story...

cost i guess

i don’t think that’s all that it teaches. pretty sure that isn’t what i came away with...

Yes, girls... and boys... need maths and sciences in school to succeed in life. Unless you’re going to be an entertainer or work in the service industry - and even then you’ll need some math...

is ike the catcher?

Guess we should surrender now...

...includes the obligatory “I have many black friends” statement to validate outrageous opinions...

that doesn’t mean a thing!!

no way! it’s a mental health issue; nothing to do with guns.