
Not for me. Most movies don’t get my money.

whoa, easy there gramps

My understanding is that we’re looking at an active event or series of events here - like splashing, only way more complex - as opposed to just spikes as seen in a still image. These are some of the coolest & most surprising images ever from Cassini.

I’d pay money to see that!

You’re right!

A smarter, more talkative Hulk?


Thanks BoyGenius. I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough to hate about a new Star Wars movie. Especially with all the love here in io9!

all movies are popcorn movies

You get 4 points for that!

Great point - it was seeming to go somewhere fantastic. And then it didn’t. Darn.

Why, in your bedroom, of course. Just make sure your door is locked just in case your mom opens it at the wrong time...

Like, Like. Double Like.

Pretty big challenge to get politicians to invest in (or even think about) activity that will not result in short-term personal benefit.

30 years. Crap.
I remember that; I was 26.
Feeling ooolllllddddd now...


“we” are never going there anyway - since it would take a probe until long after “we” are dead to get there

you’re canadian?

same haircut?

that, and the lung cancer