
Yup. Take things literally and be shocked. Sorry to upset you, Nancy.

In my house, that is followed by massive cat trauma...

Well, no. I happen to LIVE on a planet, so, no, I do not like that idea.

Yup; I see the similarities. No question. But let’s be honest here. Comedians have been feeding off of each-other since the dawn of comedy.The best defense against this is to do more bits worth stealing...

Or maybe just gaps in the ice from sublimation.

I award you 3 points for that.

how about down and to the left?

But it protects more than lesser protection offers.

I liked both very much.


Lots of protection is better than no protection; or not quite enough protection...

Hmmmm. Differences, yes. But you’d be shocked what a lot of money and good lawyers can do to a small guy/small company...

It looks cool - well, beyond cool - but can you tie up your shoe laces with this helmet on?

Hugo von Boss

Get him!!!

Hi there!

Hmmmm. That was a long 8 minutes.

I think my kids liked that show. I always thought Ms. Frizzle was kind of hot.

Leave Orion alone.

Hmmm. A little bird.