
I don’t think I missed it; I read it. I just didn’t love it enough to dive into the next two.

Same here. I read through all those pages of Red Mars, but I won’t be reading Blue or Green. However, I’ll definitely watch the show!

“no one, not even Lord of Outer Darkness Dick Cheney, thinks this is a good plan”

And we haven’t even seen hardly a thing yet.

Hmmmm. I’ll make sure that I never have to unsee it. The poster looks worse than horrible: it looks 80’s horrible...

Yeah, but it’s hot and your flesh will burn. Count me out.

Thanks for that. Sorry I could only give one star...

Was recently at the Smithsonian in DC and saw up really close the LEM that have there. They built 10 or so of them, but it looks totally hand-made, which I’m sure they were. It was hard to believe that something so fragile-looking could keep two humans alive for several days! Just incredible design and engineering.

I often think of this time as the apex of American greatness. Real growth in race relations, LBJ talking about his “just society”, so much social and technical progress. No, it wasn’t all great; racism was still alive and well, the poor were destitute, the Vietnam war, etc. But change for the better seemed to be the

I’d have to say no.
As a Jays fan, it’s hard to see a guy that went 7-1 down the stretch go away. The team will not be as good without him, and JA Happ doesn’t come close to filling that hole. And what they gave up to get Price...
But sh*t, that’s a lot of money. How many star players went into the sh*tter after signing

I’m game for a new space race! Let’s do this!!

repeat forever

Pretty sure it was...

There was (still is) quite a lot of hate for this movie.

Or GOP/Tea Party...

well, stupid is a bit strong...

I can feel the evil through my toes...

Always check the sun- they like to attack from the direction of the sun...

I so wanted this to be a real thing.