
Ooooh. I like this one...

Just pointing out the absurdities that come with the infinite universes concept. I.e., the universe where everything is the same except our two heads are switched. Or better yet, the two universes that are the same except your head is replaced by a foot.

If there were a multiverse.
Which there isn’t...

Great question. Tough to explain. One way is to invent something that fits the model perfectly. The next step is to actually find it. You know, like touch it and measure it directly. Indirect measurement is fun, but really you’re just indirectly measuring the thing that you invented to fit perfectly. I’m not saying

First thing that caught my eye. Apparently others, too. It’s just, well, um. What’s that about anyway??

Love it.

Staying away from the whole anti-police / pro-police rhetoric...

does not look the same...

wtf is that thing??!

Take a pill. Just cuz u scour the entire web, take notes and then complain about instances where people re-post stuff. Turns out many of us don’t scour the web looking for reposts. For instance, I have never seen this article and am totally okay with seeing it here.

That Dr. Smith was a low-down stinkin’ rat.

That was great; thanks for that.

Maybe better without the video.

They do a great job considering their perpetually shrinking budget. Actually, they do a great job, period...

Don’t go in there. Don’t do it!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

F-15 falcon?

I’m not arbitrarily placing anything anywhere. The concepts & definitions were put in place long before either one of us was born. And I’m not talking about schools of thought either; just proper definition. If you want to say that either side of the spectrum is capable of twisting the truth and oppressing people’s

pretty sure they’re not socialist i think they have a conservative government right now.

Incorrect. Fascism by definition is on the extreme right. On the extreme left is communism. Extremism on either side sucks.

This is an important point. The article talks about “right wing politics” of the day. Back then the line up in the political spectrum was much different. Today the Republicans are on the extreme right, and the Democrats are on the left. The point is that this activity was an extreme right wing activity...