
Never read it. Sitting there on my bookshelf sneering at me though...

“pilot’s “excessive rudder input during the test point...”


stupid inertial damping system...

what color is the sky in your world?

For me, “cop comedies” are quite common - this was a good one of those I guess. Shaun of the Dead was a comedy about zombies- not too many of those. Being funny and unique gets good marks from me...

no its not

No. Unless its on TV and there’s nothing else.

I’m wrong? Are you perhaps being a little subjective? As is in there is an objective correct and incorrect gauge on what is funny? Think again.

No doubt about it.

It was way cool watching that movie for the first time about 10 years ago. Just another semi-interesting looking old B&W movie drama on TCM. And then I heard a familiar line. And the another... Hey! Did some googling, and like, wow!

YES! Animal House is one of the top 10 funniest movies ever!!!

Can’t agree. His Girl Friday was a fine movie to be sure, but Something About Mary, while not at all sophisticated, had me laughing all the way through.

You’re insane. I like that.

Saw Hot Fuzz recently. Good movie. Nowhere near as funny as Shawn of the Dead tho.

Top Secret! Good call - also one of the funniest movies I ever saw...

Airplane! is maybe the funniest movie I ever saw...

I don’t think that romcoms really should be on a list of “the funniest movies of all time” because comedy is only part of it. Consider may Marx Bro.s movies - practically every line is a joke. Now there certainly some great movies on that list, but that’s definitely not a list of the funniest of all time. For example T

It’s a generation thing...

Never really went for Godzilla. Especially the man-in-a-suit versions...