
and farther away...

cost i guess

i don’t think that’s all that it teaches. pretty sure that isn’t what i came away with...

Yes, girls... and boys... need maths and sciences in school to succeed in life. Unless you’re going to be an entertainer or work in the service industry - and even then you’ll need some math...

No it’s not. I’ve lived in different places too. So there, smarty pants.

is ike the catcher?

Guess we should surrender now...

...includes the obligatory “I have many black friends” statement to validate outrageous opinions...


Ha! And like the Star Wars helmet, it is just slightly bigger than the average human head, too!

Easy, there. Nor is the accent very American-sounding. Certainly not Texan, Californian or even Canadian for that matter. Possibly a bit of a New England twang, which I always thought similar to British, when compared to other NA accents...

This looks so silly that I absolutely have to see it...

Good point. I guess my worry is that is will be wall-to-wall young-sexy-vampire shiite.

Careful now; if we all stop watching, they’re going to start making a bunch of shite young/sexy/vampire shows again. I mean it; they’ll do it...

I don’t know, but obviously one of the fly rod’s gone off skew on treadle...

Cat-monkeys, or Monkey-cats?

Too late; I said.
And I cannot promise that I won’t do it again...

wow; too bad for u

For me, I had no intention of watching some goofy zombie series, until I watched the pilot of the Walking Dead series - because nothing else was on TV that night. That was the high-water mark for that series, and it was so high that I haven’t missed an episode since. There’ve been bad and good ones, but the point is

Um, you missed a heck of as series in BSG, sir...