
Dennis Silva?

that badass...


well, it looked kind of thrown together when examined closely

Don’t forget the universe where everything is the same except your head and left foot have been transposed. That’s where that idea tumbles to the ground, imho.

I paid money to see that in a theater! It was a long time ago, but I seem to recall a scene where the frogs were advancing, and next there were frogs hopping on a dead body! Wtf?!?

The space suit looks pretty basic (except the helmet). Heck, those are 30-year-old hockey gloves for crying out loud! They’ll set you back about $5.00...

“This was NOT CGI...’

That “point” would never be stationary - it would depend upon the perpetually varying points in orbit of Earth, moon and Mars...

Oooooh. good catch. for those who care...

No need for that. Realizing that detail in the first place makes you not only a nerd, but an Uber Nerd. So, no worries...

that doesn’t mean a thing!!

no way! it’s a mental health issue; nothing to do with guns.

Missing nazi gold!?!
Do we know if these guys were involved:

cuz I hate those guys

you’re suspended for 5 minutes.

Actually, aside from too much Jar-Jar, it was a fine movie; just saying.