
that bastard underworld sleaze-bag.

Cool. It’s starting to look a little Mars-ish...

i said almost

The Genesis story is not filled with extreme detail. It was intended for all generations, not just this highly-educated self-important generation. Maybe God created a bunch of dark matter and dark energy as well...

Simulations are cool. However, if one or more of our assumptions are incorrect, it renders the results meaningless. I will feel a lot better about what new actual observations will reveal...

More anti-CGI purist speak.

Unfortunately a non-exploding rocket is “newsworthy” at this time.
Almost feels like the early 1960’s again...

well, yes. i think it clearly has a big impact on the sunward side on the surface...

better for three $10,000 loaded pins?
hind sight is 20-20, dude...

I would think that the radiation effects are more severe, but a planetary physicist would know better..

perhaps you don’t really appreciate the risks involved in missions like this?

hockey players?

its just space junk

rock ships
that were there before the water
that go all the way to the bottom
and never move

there’s a lot of oil in Alberta. a lot.

I liked it.

that was cool

It’s true. In my case, if I hadn’t done all those stupid things, dated those deeply flawed women that I dated, made all those bad decisions, I would never have met my wonderful wife and had my two wonderful boys.
Still, though, if I could go back and change just a few.... No, stop that; it doesn’t work that way...

Uh oh...