
Wtf are you trying to do to us nerds!?!
Nerdy superheros!?!
We nerds need to believe that somehow, some way that we could become actual attractive and sexy super heroes! If all we can aspire to is “heroes” only slightly more “super” than we are now, we might as well pack it in and stay in mom’s basement for good!

That’s friggin amazing!

This (exoplanet scientific discovery) is one of the most exciting things going today. It seems that we’re very often surprised by gas giants orbiting closely to parent stars - it’s nothing new in this infant field of study. We may have to face the conclusions that - our solar system is somewhat unique in having gas

They’re plenty smart, but Douglas and Anders hit the nail on the head. Once we have a theory in place - even if it is built on a house of cards - we ferociously hang on to it. I’d be much happier if when we assert something, we would add a cautionary caveat, like, * based on current knowledge and theories. Honesty is

there are fight scenes, and there are awesome scenes. Fight scenes are fight scenes - some are great, some are not, and some are better than others. But they’re fight scenes. Nobody could say that the matrix hallway sequence was boring, predictable or a let-down in any way...

i dont even know you

And the New Horizons Pluto mission :-)

3 points for that!

Reminds me of a matrix hallway...

Wasn’t that actually “whore’s storm”?

This is getting so cool!!!

A highly reflective alien base-camp, perhaps?
As soon as it becomes more visible, we should pound those thrusters, and slowly back away...

I liked both the book AND the movie. I even liked the sequels. Yep, all of them...

Wonderful job Messenger, and Messenger teams. A true testament to top-notch science and engineering...

I would guess not, since it has been smashed to tiny bits on the 400 degree Celsius rocky surface of Mercury...

You’re suspended from posting for 10 minutes.

Too soon??

RedSox fans are allowed. Even Celtics fans. Or even Pats fans. Just no Bruins fans...

I thought all Bruins fans were barred from io9...

Btw, that is one of my fave movies. Ever.