
This is a failed argument from the 1970s. I don't think that smaller carriers have proven their worth. The British are building bigger ones now after a few decades of smaller carriers. The small Soviet carriers were a disaster (for the Soviets). Maybe it is time to rehash the argument, but it has been done to death...

Nope. Aliens. It's a well known fact that Aliens have amazing invisible ships that can go real fast and turn on a dime. This is our Earthly double-secret anti-Alien technology in action! Go Earth!!

It was a double-secret interception of....
Wait for it....


And somehow it gives us all money? I want to know more, too! Does it give us food too?


Best thing is to ignore.

That video is SICK!! What a machine!
...and I guess a very well trained pilot! :-)

Wait; how much sperm do you have to come up with to get the $6474??

Aren't we a fun lot here on Kotaku.

Needs a suspension lift.

You sound a little biased...

Lots of complexity here.

I'll bet the Navy Department is kind of wishing that they had gone with the Super Tomcat idea. Probably would be flying them by now, for much less cost...

You need to fast fwd past some pretty bad non-F-14 bits, but yeah, that movie is totally watchable!

Pretty much true. But to compare F14 to F35 is apples and oranges. F14 was a long range air superiority weapon that could fight anything. F35 doesn't pretend to be that.

Yeah, it was amazing to see live. Unbelievable that such a huge machine could be so nimble, and then Boom!

One word: WOW.

I saw the B-1 fly at an airshow many years ago. Pretty amazing show for such a big bird.

The F-111 became an FB-111 because if could not be an F. No comparison to be made on the agility of these two birds...