So? Ive heard feminists say that all men should be put into internment camps. There are crazies and trolls everywhere. Doesnt mean theyre the norm.
So? Ive heard feminists say that all men should be put into internment camps. There are crazies and trolls everywhere. Doesnt mean theyre the norm.
Why wouldnt want to bang some chinese generals?
Why should i be concerned with anything but present conditions? Asian-americans have been mistreated. Have been, not are.
Its probably a
Asian-Americans are a stereotyped and often mistreated minority in the USA.
Whats also often unchallenged with the whitewashing debate is the claim that asian-american actors are underrepresented. That is just untrue.
Here’s your answer.
I doubt they even wanted to make a good movie
You would me, sir. Right when i got to the part about you saving on your insurance i thought oh, how nice for him, thats some extra doritos and mountain dews right there.
why should i be happy that one guy can video game better than another?
Never seen it but my google-fu says its called Maoyuu Maou Yuusha.
I actually had no idea what the show is. Thanks for the tip.
He also called christianity evil. Is he also Christophobic?
Discussing Islam itself is problematic if he singles it out
I mean, i think its reasonable to rationalize fiction in some cases but this game obviously doesnt try to be rational in any way.
even though he doesn’t treat all religions equally
Yeah, thats because in those countries, minority religions like christians, jews and yazidi are the most likely to be persecuted and first on ISIS kill lists.
Trump is probably not an islamophobe either. I think he just uses the fact that many people are afraid of islam to his advantage. Hes not very smart but hes also not a complete idiot.