
Im not gonna pretend i dont expect to get a rise of the likes of you. Still, it was an honest opinion.

Not only that. He is right to point out that currently islam is more dangerous than other religions.

No, i just dont think he spreads any islamophobia. A phobia is irrational fear. If he said “every muslim is a rapist savage”, that would be irrational. Saying that islam is a dangerous religion in dire need of reform and we should be wary of its spread in its current form is very rational.

he spreads awful Islamaphobic rhetoric

Acknowledging that islam is currently the most dangerous religion is not islamophobic.

Ah yes, Titties Tera. Very ok game.

Its been basically the same since BF3. The player makes it look twitchier and faster than it is and health regen after 10 seconds of not getting hit has also been in BF3 non-hardcore mode afaik.

She has a name you pig!

I dislike sjw as much as the next shitlord but actually they replaced that butt shot with a even better butt shot.

First i thought i had a month long stroke and its April 1st. Then i realized its just those cheeky cunts at Mega64.

I can indeed tell from some of the pixels.

is 100%

Out of curiosity i spend an hour or so compiling a list of game protagonists to see how many actually are brooding white guys. (is it 80% as Keza claims? Click here to find out!) I tried to be fair, googled some of the games i dont know etc. but someone who has more time can try to do it more accurately. (or just see

Ah, i see now where the misunderstanding was.

Yes but they have different lenses. Also a different faceplate ie. your eyes are at a different distance from the screens in each. In practice, Rift has narrower field of view but sharper image than Vive. PSVR, while lower res, is full RGB (rather than pentile) so it still looks pretty good.

Not saying Overwatch character designs are some utter creative genius but what would be an example for character/s that arent generic in your mind?

All headsets have that functionality. It depends how much sensitive are you to resolution and how much it matters to you compared to the size of the screen.

Hilarious, is it? As in hysterical? Extremely funny? Side-splitting?