
Sure, its possible. Denuvo improving their encryption might help but who knows. We’ll have to wait and see.

I know the breast physics are off (will anyone ever get them right?)

I dont know what movies youre watching but yes, tits arent genitals under any circumstance.

Soft-body dynamics, thank you very much.

I concur. Id like to see some accurately modeled vulvae in games finally instead of a lame merkin texture.

1) Teabagging is much funnier.

Agreed. Also beef curtains.

The endowment slider is visible in the first picture/video. Also, tits are not genitals. This is not even, this is the pendulum swinging to the other side. Good, at least its a step in the right direction. Next they have to top themselves with customizable labia.

Dick are genitals. Tits are not.

Wha... am i being loud?

Apparently no and yes, we should riot.


I (and most likely most others in the industry) can’t give you the figures i know. There is a difference between numbers no existing and people not giving them to you for NDA reasons though.

one can then deduct for example: hey, there were this many millions of pirated downloads, if 1-10% of those would have instead bought the game


Of course it will sell worse. How much worse however, we dont - and really cant - know.

Not on all of them. On some it does.

Is Denuvo intrusive? Havent been following it much but i thought it was pretty innocuous, unlike something like Starforce or always online DRM.

1) the user reviews are actually not very encouraging (~7 something on metacritic)

Who’s “you” in this instance?