
Actually PC has been getting increasingly more nice things. (game releases from tradiationally console-only studios)

She means for this specific DRM, Denuvo.

A week is still better than nothing i guess.

That this game gets cracked and put up for free basically nixes all pseudo arguments for piracy.

Of course. Being “the original” doesnt mean its better.

The “original” is the one you played as first.

Before watching the video: “heh, come on Mike, it seems pretty funny”

Robots cannot easily do the job of health care workers (especially important in an aging population like Japan’s), dental professionals, teachers, construction workers, miners, fire fighters, law enforcement, train conductors, airline pilots, surveyors, scientists, and more.

Not hot. Interesting, pretty cool, not hot.

I mostly agree with one important exception. Increasing automatization means that shrinking labor force may not be a huge problem, it may even be an advantage (lower unemployment rates) as human labor is needed less and less, human jobs in a few decades will probably be mostly creative, maybe service etc. while

Food Wars is pretty realistic in some respects.

But whether to judge or not judge is a political decision in itself. 

What do you mean team deathmatch you dirty killstealer?

I disagree. I do feel virtually violated when that happens.

automated cosplay and porn generator

Sure, i just said why i think its like that in Japan.

I think you and I have different ideas about what “soon” means, in relative terms.

Rewards and punishments for actions/choices and narrative judgement.

Generations, certainly.