Alas, even great scientists can be religious sometimes.
Alas, even great scientists can be religious sometimes.
Nothing, it was perfect.
Great. Its still less political than being biased.
What does “neutral” mean?
Not at all. Neutral doesnt mean “what i agree with” It may mean impartial. Or without moral judgement.
It’s pretty common for some people to ask for less politics in games. Turns out, that’s not really possible
What do you mean maybe? You dont know what you like?
And yes, that’s EXACTLY how porn works. People don’t just start with double anal.
Zelda, their flagship game, runs at 30 fps.
Yeah disgusting. Thats turtles for you. Sick fucks.
For a second there i thought you were sad. But those were tears of joy. Good.
But... the title...
Furious key clicking can be annoying to some people when they sleep.
Sometimes that just happens with games (or anything, really). Id say when you get the itch to play an RPG, come back to the DLC’s. Theyre self-contained enough that you dont really need to remember the main games story or anything so you can just go straight to the DLC’s.
Its factual. T rating means its a game marketed toward teen (or older) gamers. I dont know why you think its marketed toward children but its not.