
Not Tumblr, thats what.

Its almost like most porn watchers are straight men. Who knew?

Its a T rated game. Ie. not for children. Teens like the pixar style as well.

Id say SFM doesnt help quality, only quantity. Hell, it might actually hurt quality since there is a shitload of simple to make, low effort crap out there drowning out possibly decent work.

He said mostly, not exclusively.

Overwatch porn is animated. I mean, im sure live action stuff exists but thats probably like 1%.

“teen” is almost always more popular than “milf”. Especially among teens.

You see, when a guy and his hand love each other very much...

Eh, not much worse than a standard public womens bathroom i expect. Except its a bit of cum instead of bloody tampons and shit.

Yes and as you might expect, it looks even more ridiculous than on a monitor.

Right, so give me a concrete example of a game that was re-rated because of a related but separate piece of media - another game, comics, whatever.

What if theyre supposed to be an anthropomorphic hotdog that has a job? Are they cosplaying when they try to sell you stuff?

Yes. Because cosplay and costume are different words with different meanings.

It implies that they try to mimic a specific character.

Forced labor is not paid. Also, you cant choose not to do it / quit your job.

Yeah, unlucky for you, im from a slavic country so i can call you on your bullshit. I know how kissing is percieved in Russia and no, guests dont kiss their hosts on the lips. Men dont kiss other men on the lips. Kissing is more common than in america but its almost always on the cheeks, unless maybe youre a slightly

Deciding not to put something in your game or comic because you damn well know people won’t receive it very well is called smart business logic. 

Theyre trying to say that the SJW argument about “its not censorship unless the government does it” is stupid.

Not releasing in Russia because legally, they cannot (it’d get removed, the whole ‘law’ thing) 

I think you need to read that again. Theyre saying IT IS censorship, unless you ascribe to the SJW argument that self censorship is not a thing.