What. Very few if any regular TV anime has that kind of detail in the backgrounds.
What. Very few if any regular TV anime has that kind of detail in the backgrounds.
Just take into consideration that the highest grossing movie of all time is Avatar.
I watched it and felt unnecessarily bad for Watanabe
John Room is a good composer but Joe Hisaishi, damn, im sad i dont like Ghibli films cuz that guy rocks.
Same. For me its probably simply because i dislike childish stuff. Ive seen Mononoke as a 13 year old or so and it was one of the first anime ive seen so i liked that (also great music) but any other Ghibli films that ive watched later as an adult i didnt like much. Not that they were bad but you know, not that great…
Doubly so when you remember that conflict avoidance is a central part of Japanese conversation culture — meaning that even if your Japanese friends are real and you really had such a conversation, they may well have said “yes” just to avoid embarrassing you.
Sigh... im assuming it because youve challenged my response to a person who accepted that assumption. They conceded that that character is not necessarily a japanese character and is in fact ethnically ambiguous.
It’s easy to say, “I totally know Japanese people and they totally agree with me.” As an argument it’s not worth a squat.
Not that this changes anything concerning any of my actual arguments
Well i wouldnt say no one, there are idiots like that out there... but ok, sure, i wont strawman you.
What is always marked in anime is otherness; a foreigner always looks distinct if their function in the story is to be a foreigner.
Ill make it more clear for both of you - i argue that it would be affirmative action only if you assume its not whitewashing. Ie. if either race is suitable for the role. GunFlame conceded the character could be either.
What is where? Thats what he said he wants.
Not entirely or always true.
No, i do not. I belive affirmative action to be affirmative action.
I know it hasnt changed, it has always been about your fight for social justice. Thats why im saying you dont need to bring up arguments that are not really relevant to you or this whole situation.
I recall there have been some teasers with the laughing man in them but other than that, do we actually know what the story will be about? The overall feel at least seemed like the movie. Seems like a comination of both movie and show themes.
Less qualified in regards to what, acting or selling tickets?