
Sure, what else would you call it? You said it yourself, they chose her for her ability to make them money. If they disregard that and instead choose someone less qualified (to make them money), someone who they think is normally discriminated against, its affirmative action.

Ah, right. So why hide behind the argument “but faithful adaptation” while in reality your argument is “but affirmative action”?

True, i remember that teaser but there were some scenes that looked like from the movie as well. I guess theyll combine both?

To be fair, it would very much depend on who you ask.

So what youre saying is... Scarlett nipples or we riot?

This is an adaptation of the movie, there are no Tachikomas in it. But hey, you never know...

Yeah, at least one thing they got right.

It isnt. It also isnt absurd to believe it would look ambiguous enough to be usable with different skin, eye and hair colors by people all over the world. It doesnt need to resemble one specific ethnicity.

Shes doesnt need to blend in with meat people. She needs to look as a generic andorid. An ethnically ambiguous android body could be common anywhere in the world.

If there was a mass produced android body people would buy, its one modeled to look like a beautiful celebrity, yes.

A lot of people, apparently. The final sold out in a couple of minutes.

I dont know to what extent is it similar to sports but for me, an esport is only interesting if i play the game in question. Most games are complex enough that you have to be pretty closely familiar with it to understand whats going on and appreciate the skill of the pro players.

I didnt say you said it, i said you meant it. Didnt you?

Why? What you said was effectively “this VR game makes me sick therefore all VR games will make me sick”

Thats like saying “im puking from that movie, cant imagine watching another movie now.”

VN’s you say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now playing

Grappling and unarmed martial arts can’t really work in VR.

Thats fair. One thing i would disagree is that emotional wounds dont heal like physical ones. Not only they can heal, there are physical ones that cant. Its on a case by case basis.

Any type of melee combat, interaction involving handing over items and such. Or generally in games where you value immersion so dont want hands disappearing.

Thats a good point but on the other hand, you know that when something like that happens in real life, however improbable, it can have severe impact on you - physical impact. In VR, not so much.