
Eyyy Mark- I appreciate the "warning" within the article prior to quoting the horrible things people online are saying about Mack. That shows a kind of awareness that such content (verbal abuse, bullying) may be triggering for the reader and is not to be exploited…

Amen to that. My mother is 64 and never tans and she looks about 48-50. I'm 34 and I am often asked if I'm in college. The sun is horrible for you! Also, drink lots of water, sleep well and plenty, and always use sunscreen!

No question, this is the fault of the hospital and the CDC. They have the final say, they're to blame.

I completely agree that the hospital and CDC are to blame here. That said, she knew she was at risk. It's just a given: You work with an Ebola patient, you are at risk. I'm not saying she should've opted to lock herself in her home for 21 days—I just think you should avoid hopping on an airplane if you can avoid it

The single most valuable piece of life advice my grandmother ever gave me was: Stay out of the sun.

I can't say I'm even remotely surprised. One of my coworkers is currently hawking that Arbonne nonsense, and she keeps mom-scolding me for not using "all-natural" makeup. Normally, I wouldn't give a shit (a lot of my expensive-ish products are Too Faced or Urban Decay or BareMinerals, which are often vegan or

Also remember that there's so much more to skin care than expensive products. People have asked me what my secret is, and I swear they're disappointed to hear that I have clear, young-looking skin as a result of years of sun avoidance and keeping products like BB cream and cover up OFF my skin.

No. Enough with the goddamn macarons. Literally everything on my Instagram is macarons and you know what, THEY'RE NOT EVEN THAT GOOD OK. There are far, far superior cookies with which waif-ish fashion bloggers and large-hatted music superstars could be obsessed.

i am freaking out at the turtleneck hair one. I HATE HAVING MY HAIR TUCKED INTO SHIT.

jcrew is absolutely phenomenal about sales (40%-50% extra off already on sale merchandise), which they let you stack with student or teacher discounts. I regularly buy their 90 pants for 30 bux, but i watch their site like a hawk though. It takes effort...

re: the last youtube clip on this article

Also, Husband-ish just said "The Caps lock key is like the shift key but it's not afraid of commitment." Marrying this man. (And wine, obvs.)


Last week I drove by a Whole Foods and there were women holding up signs. The first one I saw said "honk if you like bunnies". Of course I like bunnies. But then the rest of the signs were about how Whole Foods were a bunch of bunny murderers. I'm assuming that means they sell rabbit meat, which I wasn't aware of

As I'm watching this video (and laughing), I can't help but wonder if the clothes she's wearing were made in a factory that uses human child labor.

Omg, I just figured out why this is so hilarious to me! It's like those videos of little kids who are throwing tantrums over silly shit and you're trying to discipline them but you can't because you're laughing at how genuinely upset they are that Princess Elsa won't come tuck them in or whatever.

The night before we adopted our first kitten, we went to the store to get litter, food, litterbox, etc. I was waylaid by a lady who asked what kind of food my cat liked, and I said, "I don't know, we don't have it yet." She clapped her hands together and said, "Oh! I understand! It took me six months to find my cat.

Near my school there was this pretty fancy resturaunt that would serve a duck special on a certain day of the week. This animal rights group would protest it and make a huge huff. I asked them one time if they protested all resturaunts that serve duck or if they hated this one in particular. They said they only

That lady reminds me of a volunteer I had to fire. We needed the help, but she was bug nuts. It was a wildlife center, so she thought she'd volunteer to heal the animals and then freaked the hell out when I fed dead mice and meat to hawks and other, you know, obligate carnivores. Literally, she'd start screaming about

That's some full-fledged whackadoo PETA-level shit right there. Ooh, maybe this is a PETA initiation ritual? They have to walk into a restaurant and do their best "Meat is Murder!" rant.