My thyroid issues (Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism) were also ignored and misdiagnosed for years. We definitely need to be our own advocates!
My thyroid issues (Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism) were also ignored and misdiagnosed for years. We definitely need to be our own advocates!
Gotcha. I lived there until 2010, so I'm happy to report that things have gotten a great deal better. Still not ideal but not horrendous. The ID-ing issue drove me nuts though.
(sighs) I wish it wasn't necessary to do that, but thank you for the tip. I'll try to remember to bring headphones next time I fly!
It's been a while since I've bought six packs, but a few years back you could buy two six packs if you wanted at the bars (and most would let you walk out and come back empty handed to do the same thing again). Honestly I was never really bothered by going to the state stores though - you needed to plan ahead a little…
There are plenty of people without much (or any) flying experience. I lived in an area with good public transportation and a reliable car for many years, so I didn't fly until I was about 25 years old. The first time I flew I was by myself and you'd better believe I was getting upset when everyone else talked through…
That's what immediately came to my mind as well - the kids.
There are actually a lot of Christians that believe God used the big bang/evolution/etc., so yep - those types don't make the news but they certainly exist.
Grumpy allies unite!
I proudly use my "NO" Grumpy Cat mug during my office hours during the part of the quarter where the students come in to beg for unfair grade bumps.
I wouldn't say "not many." Every office I've worked in has required business attire or at least business casual. Perhaps you've lucked out!
ASPD is similar to psychopathy, but not the same thing though
I was still super flat but felt equally awkward and horrible about the drape experience. It just felt like the epitome of "not me," especially since I was not a girly girl. I've girlier now, but back then was super into sci-fi and hockey, so the feminine drape look (and the pearls my mom made me wear) were a nightmare.
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet (major issues seeing Kinja comments right now - go technology!), but many Sbarro locations have pretty decent specials. The strange thing is that they're barely advertised (although I guess it's not that strange since they're getting away with charging way more money for way…
It's currently nine something an hour for attractions.
Oh yeah, they're pretty terrible on the west coast. I've tried tons of places and they're all just plain bad. I've given up and now resort to Domino's and Papa John's because at least they're consistent and fairly cheap (post-coupons).
Oh sure, remind those of us currently stuck outside of PA about Yuengling! I grew up in PA and lived there until I made the moronic decision to get my PhD - now I'm stuck in southern California where the food sucks and the beers sucks worse. Have a cold one for me, okay?
I grew up in southeastern PA, pretty close to Philly, and always had great cheesesteaks in the suburbs (better, I'd actually argue, than in the city itself) so I thought the same thing - oh, you could get these anywhere. They're not hard to make. Now that I live in California, I have to make one myself if I want one…
I'm a 30 year old woman and hate The Notebook and loved The Boondock Saints. Love those lads!
Also way cheaper than the ones Disney sells inside the theme parks (big surprise there lol).