
Welp can't live in California

I don't know about everyone else, but the few times I have been in an accident either on my bicycle, motorcycle or in my car you typically go into "I can save it" mode and worrying or screaming is the last thing you do. I think this might be different if you are the passenger and have to watch helplessly as the whole

I was a passenger in a rollover accident when I was 16. I was not wearing a seat belt and was tossed about the vehicle until it stopped rolling. It seemed to take forever and it was oddly serene. Once we came to a stop I sat up and couldn't find or feel my right arm. The humerus had broken cleanly and my arm was

The aqueduct was an exceptionally huge breakthrough. I mean, 40% of Food carried over after population growth is tough to argue with.

maybe animals only see in 360p....

My 2 year old niece responds to every flat surface with images (ie: a book) like it was an iPad. She gets angry when she can't scroll or zoom.

Uh. No. That's completely misreading it. Why would you read it like that?

I love this picture, really shows you how small the Suzuki is.

That suzuki cappuccino is soooo tiny compared to the toyota previa. There was a guy at Irvine cars and coffee that had one. I would poop my pants driving this thing with F250's and excursion's all around me.

No, it's really fucking easy to tell.

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

In Oregon, absolutely. It's one thing that's drilled into you when getting your server's permit. If you overserve someone and they get killed or kill someone you can be held liable. One small result of this is that bars no longer give out branded matches or coasters because it makes it too easy to link drivers back to

I am an independent Apple service tech, so I do know this for a fact.

Did I miss the part in that story where it said that the camera was activated without the LED illuminating?

I don't see what there is to prove. We're not talking about wormholes here. We're talking about a theoretical concept for a "teleportation device" that does not (and probably never will, due to this problem) exist. The concept is that matter is either copied (recorded, destroyed, recreated), or completely

I sometimes wonder if they are reverse trolls (they're clearly not but hear me out). No one ever agrees with them or shows support for them where they go. Anywhere they show up there are people raising money for charities that the WBC would hate, or just large congregations of people showing support for the families

Well clearly you don't know the first thing about it and maybe should stop talking and listen more.

Wrong. He was wrong about women not being able to drive, but so are you.. First of all let me just say that women can do anything they want in Iran, including drive or work any job or office. Women outnumber men in Iranian universities, for example. Iran has women police, women politicians, women professors, women bus

Please be satire, please be satire...

Every animal is really the same person.