
Nobody can complain the food was messed with, nobody can complain the server did anything illegal or abusive.

Well, I mean, you were using the right term for the concept you were describing. The median of a dataset IS a value IN the dataset, whereas the average need not be. So someone has to make the median, or else it's not the median.

That is, again, not how the median works. Median. Not average, not mean. Median.

Outliers don't really bump the median. You're thinking of averages.

Jesus, that is a horrific law, if it's real.

If we’re going to do the (thoroughly stupid and counterproductive) dick-measuring contest of which service industry jobs involve the most shit-taking, try working at a hotel. You think dealing with assailed for an hour at a time is bad? Try a week or two.

“New”? You must not be very old.

They're gonna learn that because some cunty stranger they've never met and will never see again had an obvious meltdown in front of them? Kids know what a tantrum looks like better than anyone.

In sum, you're a weak, shitty person, and too stupid to even understand that.

“So I am old enough that when I was a senior in high school, I worked at Starbucks.”

A very merry un-wedding day to you! To me?!

Keep your pedantrophilia on your fetlife profile, you pervert.

Genocide and harassment.... Baby, join bath water.

I mostly agree with you, but I think you’re mistaken that the tech community has a pro-privacy ideology. See Google and Facebook’s real personal info policies, and their stated ideologies. “A more transparent world,” is newspeak for “a world with less privacy.”

Cheating has always been my go-to example for demonstrating how not everything LEGAL is fair or non-asshole behavior. Never thought I’d live to see the day someone spun it the exact opposite way.

This is always my first impulse in hearing about or seeing these situations. But really think about it. You think people like this are ONLY abusive to servers? Picture what it’s like actually being a family member or coworker of theirs. Now tell me the server’s hour of misery is worth more than the weeks of misery

As you’d know if you knew about Turing’s work, understood how the Engima machine was used, or had even just seen the movie, having an Engima machine alone doesn’t let you break the code. Even having its instruction manual doesn’t do it. You still had to know (or break) the daily randomized setting parameters the Nazis

the teenager who took part

It would no longer be enough to tell someone to meet you at the deli on the corner of 55th St. and Seventh Ave. You'd have to give a three-dimensional destination, specifying whether this would be the corner on the 7th story or the 15th.