

Because only one of us has absolutely nothing of substance to say, and she's already said lots of nothing. Bitch, you don't like me or the things I have to say? I'm perfectly okay with that. I just want to make sure you leane knowing that I've noticed you have nothing to say. and you didn't even when you picked this

Any time you're ready to stop, there.

Sunday already where I am, with a typhoon, but yeah, vaguely passive aggressive fake nicety right back at you, with a creepily-intimate-in-an-unwelcome-way pet name on top!

Yawn. Okay. I guess we're done here then.

This is a perfect example of why we can't have an actual discussion about this.

Did you have this education in schools? Obviously not, or you wouldn't be arguing for it, because it would already exist and be a given. And yet you have the information still somehow. You're a walking refutation of your own argument.

I'm going to put this as simply as possible: Schools. Schools?

Am I serious that "a guy once tried to use handsoap as lube for anal sex" is not an example of a thing that public schools should have to worry about correcting? What are you asking me, exactly?

You beat me to it.

When Gillette first came out with the Mach 3, and then again when the 5-bladed monstrosity came out, I gave each a try. I've got a really thick, coarse beard and really sensitive skin, so for a long time I was easily persuaded to try anything that promised to improve the experience of shaving. I actually used the Mach

On the other hand, when we analyze fossils and make deductions about the creatures they came from, we refer to their physical features like their heights in the past tense. Astronomy seems a lot more akin to this than looking at pictures of Batman.

Do you go out of your way to tell homeless people how you love having a job and no addiction or mental health problems too? Jesus, man.

I'm understanding what you're saying. It's just that what you're saying reflects an incomplete knowledge (or incomplete application of knowledge) of the science of what you're trying to say. "For all intents and purposes," as you use it here actually means, "For the few intents and purposes that I've stopped and


It's unclear what the "female equivalent" was exactly, nor how it would be obtained at an insane asylum ...

But... there's a caption.

I don't understand what you mean. Rephrase what? To the command "Point to the sun."? What still applies? And why?

I rarely dismiss comments, but irredeemable trolling is irredeemable trolling.

Either way, "Don't look at ____" is not an assertion about the current state of the object. "Don't look at the sun!" is not a command whose meaning can change or be falsified by the movements of the sun. "The sun is currently showing heightened spot activity," or "This double star system has misaligned protoplanetary