
That's interesting, and sounds like it puts more than nothing into the local economy, but it still sounds like it could artificially disadvantage existing clothing makers and retailers.

When are we going to start using past tense for observations of astronomical bodies that we are observing as they were in the past? I'm getting really impatient for that one. Would be an instant level up to public scientific literacy once it got to be commonplace.

I know, dude, we fucking suck.

I wrote another post in this thread explaining what the actual argument for "why not," is, because there is one. Would be interested in knowing what you think if you read it, if you've got the time/are interested.

I totally agree with you about that. It's a big sad face with a question mark.

Thank you. And I think you're probably right about that.

Who do you work for, so we can all collectively boycott you and anyone you supply, and mail you bags of dogshit, you petty crybaby cunt-flexing son of a whore that raped an underage quadriplegic and then died shitting you out of the dirty hole created when her pussy and ass tore together into one giant pit of

Let's kick his fucking ass.

I'd be interested (if you have the time and desire) if you'd read my other comment in this thread and tell me what you think about it.

I sincerely wonder about what the right thing to do here is. It always sounds like a great idea to send people in need free stuff, but there are things that once you know you can't un-know about the accidental fallout of it.

Would watch. At work. Wanna tell me the thrust of it?

EDIT: Nevermind, watched without sound. Honest to god, this is how devoid of a sense of humor you and five other people are? Really? Did you just skip to the end of the comment? Or were you already angry and defensive when you came to it?

A man has to work at a carefully crafted career of political missteps and gaffes, to be a disingenuous shark among disingenuous sharks, near the top of the country that against all odds and reasonable logic believes itself to be the best in the world, to be hand-picked by party machinery not for his contributions to

"Refuses to read," huh? Was there something lacking from the reading I gave you just now?

I love this comment.

Fair of you to do this. And it gives me a chance to show what I was referring to, since apparently it's an incredibly hard point to grasp without spoon-feeding.

Except not when you write them out as words.

Don't describe probability as "harder," dude. Come on. This is why nobody understands anything.

I don't see anything about "free," and I don't see anything about how "all they have to do" is "maintain a fleet of a dozen or a couple dozen cars," "which they get at cost" (from who?), so nice try, but no. Because that's what you said and that's what I was actually poking fun at you for. Not the idea of company

Not what that word means.

"All they would have to do is this thing I just arbitrarily made up after thinking about it for three minutes and knowing none of the numbers nor doing any research into any of the logistical challenges that could arise!"