
You're looking at this the wrong way. This is more along the lines of anti-smoking or anti-drug campaigns, which also appeal to base terror, body horror, etc. The appeal of what they're trying to sell is actually that it stops you from dying.

Then don't include it when you tell an awesome story. Clearly the writer thought it added something worth being there. I did too, honestly. If you want the story, deal with the way the person telling it wants to tell it. You don't have a right to have things told exactly how you like them except when it's you doing

It's amazing to me that this many people prefer policed language over awesome stories.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

"Peace of mine"? Jesus, I suck too.

Seems like she could have been addressing or at least quoting someone who actually said it then, instead of just spraying it generally out at a bunch of people who didn't.

But she rushed to judgment about what conclusions the reader would jump to.

Yeah! And she doesn't get the peace of mine of knowing she "can do all of the stuff in the morning."
Fuck her.

I would think it's merely a reflection of the fact that BMW drivers are the most likely to think the safety and happiness of the people they share the road with don't matter.

Unconvincing, poorly-reasoned, guilty-conscienced, defensive, brain-dead drivel.

Right, so you get that the words "Dot Com Bust," don't mean "Dot com websites all failed and ceased to exist."

If you work in a job where you ever have to hear those terms spoken aloud by a human, I feel truly sorry for you. *hugs*

You could have just typed "I don't understand what a bubble is or what happened in the dot com bust." Would have been faster for you and shorter to read.

How do people outside of Japan get this one?

I actually find it incredible refreshing and encouraging that the proportions of people who responded with "Neither agree nor disagree," is so high. It's really the most honest and rational response to a controversy when you are neither a participant in the information war or completely informed. Does it sound silly

Okay. Enjoy.

You just came so hard, finally having an unambiguous excuse place to announce that publicly.

In other words you have nothing to contribute but just wanted to type some stuff?

It's a good thing that tan armored personnel carrier has an orange warning light too, those massive clattering things can really sneak up on you.

Good observation.