Cooked whale actually tastes a fair amount like beef, and in smoked slices a lot like any other cured meat, so what does that tell you about "us"?
I'm so glad you're here.
Jesus. You really like your "us" and "them" mentality an awful lot, don't you?
Thank you for posting this. I was going to do a much worse job of saying the same thing.
You? You stick with your definitions. There's definitely no "us" outside of humanity — and if you think there is, you might as well stop eating meat altogether, because that's the direction you're going in. Which is a worthy choice if that's your beliefs. In any case, keep your arbitrary line-drawing food morality…
You made my day, and simultaneously ruined it by making me shudder at my office desk with repressed laughter that I ultimately failed to repress. Definitely was heard by everyone in the room.
I'm sorry, I loved The Rock, but even when I was 13 I cringed at the part where the black professional soldier trained in operating missile launch computers responds to the system not acting on his fire commands by grunting and banging on the monitor. You can always make the coincidence argument, but if you find…
I don't think it's being indignant so much as it is just being in good old fashioned pain. Betrayal hurts. Even if you're a treasonous bastard yourself. Having punched a lot of people doesn't make getting clocked in the jaw hurt any less.
I'm really glad this is up near the top. This is exactly what I wanted to say, and you said it much better than I was going to. The second block quote especially actually sounded intelligent, fair, and not particularly self-absorbed to me — which I found puzzling because it was immediately preceded by the "Pay…
You mean Thursday morning, right?
This is how you write and headline an article like this. Not like that disgustingly cynical manipulative clickbait mess that Max posted last weekend. The one you linked here, incidentally, for easy comparison.
Jesus, do you heckle stand-up comics with this shit too?
English, Spanish, German all written with one alphabet, you say? Technically, I'll give you that. But when was the last time you saw Ñ or ß in English? You're right that that doesn't make it a new alphabet, you're wrong that that doesn't make it a distinct and separate system.
P.S. Another thing you won't get just from Wikipedia-ing around, but when you say "Kanji (漢字) and Hanzi (汉字)" you're actually demonstrating my point for me. Hanzi also used to be written 漢字, the same characters as "Kanji" today, but is not now, i.e. they are not the same language system/writing system anymore! The…
My screenname isn't Korean, it's Japanese, やからこう言うのはあなたに教えられるべきじゃないよ。(translation - Which is why you shouldn't be trying to explain this to me.)
They are "Chinese characters" because they originate in the Chinese culture and civilization, the same way the English alphabet is Latin because it originates in Roman culture…
The hilarious thing is that if you actually knew the languages and didn't have to rely on a Wikipedia article, you'd notice that contrary to Wikipedia saying "Kanji ... is written using the same characters as the Chinese word hanzi," the very next thing in the article (the parenthetical) shows they are actually not.
I think related language history is more like related language history than wrong math is like right math, but maybe that's just me.
Saying Spanish is "English like," wouldn't be wrong if that was the best way you knew of to describe it. I think people are being a little too hard on the OP for not knowing what (judging by the comments) none of them actually know much more about either.
Wrong. Kanji, while based entirely on Chinese, is today its own system and has been for centuries. English derives its writing system from Latin — that doesn't make the English alphabet Latin. Calling Latin writing "alphabet-like" wouldn't be wrong, and this isn't either.