
I'll add the Incal, available in English, and a notably obvious influence on the Fifth Element.

I actually did hear this discussed a little (in a now notorious Deadline piece which also bemoaned the reverse sexism of casting non-masculine performances or something, Besson was thankfully free of that.) This clearly came across as a long gestating passion project for Besson, and the comic albums themselves are

They are both half-Draenei. Garona used to be half-human but she has been retconned as half-Draenei, Draenei hero Maraad is her uncle.

We may not see a lot of the Draenei but I’d be surprised if we saw nothing.

Besides possibly Star Wars, there’s no major geek franchise movie I am looking forward to as much as I am Warcraft, and this is a pretty solid summary of the admittedly convoluted lore of the series.

There’s a melancholic feeling to it that's not too bad but then I actually liked Fury.

He has had films rewritten to his style, I wouldn't be surprised if he had creative control over his dialogue.

Amazon covers like five countries I think and two in Europe. I imagine Ireland is low on their totem poll.

Fox actually optioned Kingkiller a while back but I guess that fell through. They may have been interested in it for their cable channel FX (Justified, Sons of Anarchy, and now the medieval themed Bastard Executioner.)

Not as a streaming service. And we get most of the UK’s channels, so otherwise there is a lot of overlap (we also have basically the same Netflix, though there’s been the rare exception like UK Netflix having What Richard Did for longer.)

Well it’s not a misnomer; it’s just a fact of the matter. Tbh I think region locking is something that will disappear sooner or later for this very reason.

I can’t help but feel annoyed the show wasn’t produced for the BBC or Syfy, because then there’d be a chance of me watching the show legally (other than buying the Blu-Rays, of course.) It’ll almost certainly screen on Amazon Prime in the UK, and as I live in Ireland - which gets most of its TV from the UK but not

Yup. Most interesting looking CW show since 100.

One word: Continuum.

To be fair, the graphic novel series sounds like it is only loosely based on the Lucifer story to begin with.

‘Even’ Marvel? The kind of weird, personal approach Burton took to superhero films is anathem to the canon reverence and plot-not-happening that is integral to the Marvel formula.

It’s pretty much the only way I can read most of the comics I want, yeah.

Finally a reason to check out Comixology. I wonder since they have Delcourt if some editions of Wake may be on the table.

Honestly I kinda suspected it’d wind up like this. After Ant-Man it’s clear there’s an upper limit on what freedom directors can get in these pictures, and a director hot off a major film like Selma may not want those restrictions.

The right, sure. But just as I don’t think the Rhodesian or Nazi flag should be flown on public ground, neither should the Confederate Battle Flag.