
I saw Ant-Man in 3D and I have literally no idea what you are talking about re: great 3D scene.

Aelita has some wonderfully wonky cubist set design but the sci fi elements of the film make up about less than half of it.

This clip features a shot of a Klingon for Star Trek (2009); this Klingon is however clearly from Star Trek Into Darkness (2013); as no Klingons appeared in the earlier film.

Nope. I’d never heard of Iron Man before 2008.

I don’t think they’ve avoided it - they just keep the movies proportionate. So Ant-Man is the first (possibly only) Ant-Man film; an Ant-Man sequel would up the stakes from the last one.

Counterpoint: The Raid.

Falcon was an Avenger for like less than a minute of the last Avengers film. We see more of him as an Avenger in Ant-Man than anywhere else.

I’ve seen movies. Just not Spider-Man 2!

True, how one defines superhero is the nebulous part.

Marvel’s ability to turn their B-listers - the people who nobody bought the rights to (and the Hulk) - into an unstoppable blockbuster force to the point predictions are Ant-Man - Ant-Man! - will have a solid weekend is singular.

Notable because they had the other two Punishers!

More a comic book movie than a superhero movie. Many of the superheroes featured, like Darkman, are not from comics.

I didn’t think it was high enough. Or at any rate I thought it should be above Avengers. I’m old, I suddenly realize.

Only some Delcourt publications I hear, but yeah, it’s a nice start. I may have to figure out how to use Comixology.

I dunno, he’s still got a theme park. Iron Man doesn’t have that yet.

Tell me about it. The handful of publishers actually committed to getting this stuff out like Cinebooks (leaving their censorship controversies to one side) have my respect for even trying to tackle that backlog.

And not a lot since. Would be surprised if it is still a thing.

On the one hand, the nexus for galactic civilizarion, on the other, a massive yet un-contacted galactic civilizarion. Think there might be a way to ram together both stories - especially if the twist about the Thousand Planets led back to Point Central if you catch my drift.

I keep having to explain to Americans that no, nobody fucking knew or cared who Iron Man was before 2008. Asterix he was not.

The Incal is also an obvious influence, but Besson wore his debt to Mezieres on his sleeve (he’s even credited for the Fiffh Element, along witb Moebius.)