
You know, the flag of Rhodesia - worn by Dylan Roof - was also the flag of a nation.

Error in the headljne? Was that a joke or another error?

Thronecast listed him as presumed dead.

Okay that sounds like a punchline but I’m serious. I still remember where I was when I finished this magnificient book. Clarke’s work about a transcendent next phase for humanity - and some devastating twists - stuck with me to this day.

White Walkers are dicks in the books too. Child stealing murder is not nice.

I’ll mostly agree though as far as Phase 2 goes I think Iron Man 3 could compete with Ultron as least good (but Ant-Man may stand a shot at the prize.)

I’ve always been a little ambivalent about reading this because the author also wrote Song of Kali, which always sounded really bad, but I guess I’ll consider it now that it’s coming to TV. Better late than never eh?

The show has had new showrunners every other year and by golly has that been apparent.

Worf/Troi is indeed one of the canonical bad Star Trek pairings, but I submit for you another at least equally as notorious:

I had thought he’d say a regular schedule. The TV series gives us ten new hour long episodes every year without a single break; and will likely conclude its story in 2017.

Oh man no spoilers but you are in for a treat. Enjoy.

And I’d argue it’s about the only way a bad guy called the Mandarin wouldn’t look like hokey Yellow Peril nonsense.

Yeah what Game of Thrones did last night was tease a mysterious bad guy in a way more compelling way than this guy.

Eh, she’s tied into the most boring parts of the movie (like Thanos.) But what about the movie told from the perspective of Nova Prime? Glenn Close and galactic politics, I’m already sold.

Ang Lee’s film is deeply flawed but it is at least a film with a story, character arcs; and an arch turn from Sam Elliott as General Ross; the Incredible is just a pile of vacuous nothing, a filler film where Tim Roth gets the only actual arc (and it’s terrible) and William Hurt seems bored and with a noticeably

Oh go nuts. I was hoping Ultron would shoot Hulk into space and he’d go do Guardians stuff or something.

A Lone Sloane inspired episode of Rebels would be the shit.

Incredible Hulk was made after Iron Man. Iron Man was the first MCU film. I presumed we were talking about that, and not Ang Lee’s film, which I liked more (Incredible Hulk is the worst superhero film I’ve seen: It’s forgettable.)

But Universal gets profits from solo Hulk movies so they will never do another one.

In the sense they still own the rights, yes, but only that.