
Yeah, it usually will be. Organic is a huge pain it's why riggers are in high demand. I'm a bit rusty on my organic rigging since I work in the industrial end of the industry, but I'll see if I can't help you out regardless. Using the biped system, or any other bone system in Max the key is in setting up the envelopes

What are you having issues with? Is it mechanical rigging or organic. I can easily walk you through mechanical rigging and even teach you how to set up a control object with sliders and the like to make animation will take a while since editing envelopes and painting weights can be a real pain in

This prospect has me cackling like a mad my head. After all, it just wouldn't do to have my coworkers think I'm any more unbalanced than they already do.

Ken, do you have any plans to run the Pikes Peak hill climb in the near future?

What about an Alien werewolf that was mummified and practices witchcraft? Quick! Someone submit the idea to Syfy as a pitch for their next mash-up movie, we'll make millions!

Seems like an overly complicated and impractical solution to the problem at hand. Though the racing series would be hilarious to see.

Because it often gives you a bit more pressure to play with before the tires lock up.

Wrong! Locking up the wheels is NOT the quickest way to stop your car....actually neither is engaging ABS usually. The quickest way to bring your car to a stop is a practice known as threshold braking which, simply put, is to depress the brake pedal to the point just before the ABS kicks in.

To be fair, in the Dresden books it often IS his fault when things are on fire. Most times those things have even done something to deserve it.

Nah man, it's not a Ferrari.

this will either be the beginning of the Borg or replicators....honestly not sure which.

What are you suggesting they should have used? M3's maybe? Mini's were used in the original and using any other car in the remake just wouldn't have been right. Add in the fact that they actually had the actors doing a good bit of the driving in the movie and you end up with one of the best car movies they've made in

The self parking one is the one exception, Booth's reaction to the car pretty much driving itself was hilarious. He looked like he thought the car was possessed or something.

There's a couple around where I live, but even there Audi's, Porsches, BMWs, ect definitely outnumber the Astons even there.

This is the one I was going to post, it's actually pretty obnoxious. Now, when they have one of Billy Gibbons hot rods or Hodgins' classic Mini on, it's another matter entirely, but for the most part, ay time they have a scene in a car I brace for the horrible and obvious plugs for Toyota.

So, my girlfriend doesn't like shooting my Sig 229. The .40cal round is more than she wants to deal with and the grip is too wide for her to use comfortably even if she didn't mind the recoil. Do you have any suggestions on small caliber pistols to look into that are just good reliable range guns that I should look

Oooh very nice! Beautiful gun and calling it big may be a bit of an understatement, especially if you include the pricetag. Do you do any handgun shooting?

First off, I'm completely jealous of your Cobra, and thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. As someone who is a gun owner and a person that loves shooting in general, I'm curious what your favorite firearm you've shot that isn't a shotgun is, and why?

Not at all, one of the most hilariously bad performances I've seen in autocross was when a couple of guys decided to autocross their rental yaris because why not? I have never seen anyone flog a shitbox that hard in my life, and I'm pretty sure that they returned the thing with 0 tread left on the tires, but dear lord

The premise of this show may become prophetic in the years to come.