
I like all the replies. There is still innocence out there and people who have never worked in the movie industry. Count your blessings you never will witness coke orgies with staff, countless and blatant labor violations, execs who come on set and grab a woman’s breast then threaten her, script writers who are high

If he was Black….

JFC...I can’t wait until the world is free of these plastic trash heaps.  

Of course Sunny is criticized. She is a highly intelligent, educated, happily married with beautiful children, attractive woman. And not only is she an attorney, she also has a journalism degree. Sunny is “in the white space” and at the table. But not only is she in the space and at the table, she has created her own

I dare anyone to name one Black person who has spoken out against anti-blackness & white supremacy and was not tagged or labeled a racist?

If Fox news complains you’re probably doing it right. 

if you are living in america you are living in an empire in decline, it’s very clear. no one wants more police. go away

Lol. Dahmer drilled holes in the heads of his victims to make sex zombies, fucked corpses, and kept heads in his fridge. Sorry, he terrified me a lot more.

Ted Bundy? Has offspring out there somewhere? Ok enough reading for today. 

Watching Dahmer’s crimes being uncovered in realtime as they painstakingly searched his apartment and every day found some new horror, the motherfucker scared the shit out of me as a 13-year-old (I was an Unsolved Mysteries/local news/true crime docs/shows junkie at a tender age and Dahmer to me was the ultimate evil,

why do you think I want there to be such a thing as a poor minority neighborhood? start there. why do all the people replying to me lack the imagination to see anything outside of the way current things are? why do you assume I want anything to operate the way it does now in this failed capitalist experiment?

Might be time for another revolution then. 

The Hannibal books/movies probably caused a bit of this by promulgating a popular image of serial killers as brilliant sophisticates with a twisted but consistent morality, rather than the unhinged necrophilic fuck-ups they usually are. 

It sucks to say but Conservatives won. Thanks to Trump. I’m not even surprised that he still has such a huge influence over the party. He accomplished in one term what no one but Reagan has been able to do in this country vis a vis complete Republican takeover of the country. In fact he probably accomplished more.

Clarence Thomas won’t rest until he’s deemed three-fifths of a person. 

Just in case you think voting doesn’t change anything, you can look at this list and see what not voting accomplished.

In a just world, all of the Trump appointed Justices would die of shame. In a sane world, Trump never would have fallen in to the Presidency and they would be fighting each other over speaking slots at execrable Hillsdale College. Look it up if you dare.

are these the only types of communities you can imagine? rich and poor? also, do you disagree with the idea that people who police the community should live in that community and have an interest in its safety and health?

Wrong Kennedy. Cheryl Hines is with Robert Kennedy, anti-vaxx idiot. Not that he’s much better...

as if cops themselves don’t love methamphetamine and not showing up when called? I unironically would love a tighter community where you can call members of it for help when you need it instead of some overarmed C-student from the suburbs who doesn’t care at best, and wants us all to die at worst. at least crackheads