
Played both and Uncharted blows Tomb Raider out of the water in every way to me. I can see how you prefer the gameplay in Tomb Raider though, but that writing... The plastic look of Lara also can’t compare to Nathan’s facial animation.


Point is that none of them are the scale of Pokemon now, which still isn’t even that big. While a new DQ, FF or WoWis relatively huge in scale, and therefor much harder to copy. All attempts (if you can even call them that) seem half assed in regards to Pokemon, unlike WoW clones or GTA clones which are decent

Game Freak had over 80 employees working on X and Y, none of these are even close in budget. Big pretty much means budget; development costs and marketing. I haven’t even heard of some of these games, while say Watch Dogs and EQ have been heavily marketed.

Please do name these big games that are very similar to Pokemon as much as a lot of MMO’s are very similar to WoW or how Dragon Quest Builders is similar to Minecraft or Watchdogs is similar to GTA. I’m drawing a blank still.

Could you name a few examples of big Pokemon clones? I’m honestly drawing a blank. I don’t own a Nintendo console anymore though so there I can see that Pokemon would always be the preferred choice, but I don’t understand why Square, Sony etc have never bothered.

Exactly, a lot of games that have the same elements, but there’s no big Pokemon clones similar to WoW clones that pretty much copy the whole concept.

It’s why I mentioned the gameplay comparison as it’s not an aspect that’s hard to copy. It seems perfectly replicable by a big (non-mobile) gaming company to me. I don’t really think it’s lightning in a jar in that it’s gameplay elements (collecting pokemon in a jrpg fashion) are simply fun and addicting.

Always makes me wonder why there’s so few rip offs from other big companies. It’s not like the gameplay is as refined as a Mario game.

If someone coming at you isn’t shooting, he’s likely charging an attack. If you didn’t see it coming you aren’t using the third person view to your advantage enough. Just a tap of circle in ANY direction is enough to escape a charged attack unlike pretty much any other attacks where you have to roll away from the

Just don’t revive when it’s too risky. It’s simply a risk reward thing, your choice. I’ve had multiple matches with double digit revives and they made the difference between losing games and winning games. Revive Packs + Cintamani Stones ftw :)

That anyone saying HL3 is going to happen is full of shit (like an ass)?

Just picture the rest of the lines.

Actually, they don’t know. Haven’t you played AC:Unity? ;)

I wonder how many actually tried though. It’s like one of those obscure Guinness World Records where noone would even think there would be a world record for.

Kotaku doesn’t have ANY obligation to be an unbiased gaming website that is strictly about gaming. Comparing Kotaku’s policies to a nation’s politics is just as retarded as Trump’s target audience for that matter. Oh wait...

Are you seriously that dense? It’s about opiniated articles that don’t have to do anything with gaming being crossposted... If you don’t like McGregor that doesn’t mean Kotaku can’t crosspost about it just because it’s a gaming website, same with the presidential race. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

I think Putin already stated he’d very much likes the idea of Trump as president. Understandable, considering Trump wouldn’t mind making one enemy too many thinking the US can take on the whole world if need be as if that’s how it would work. You’re right on allies not wanting him as a president though.

Tax the rich, so they up the prices? That’s where competition comes into play and where socialism makes sure those established rich people don’t build walls for their competition to climb instead (eg Microsoft Windows). The real problem here is the paid taxes going into a giant non-transparent machine that is the

They also link to articles about Conor McGregor and Starwars. Do they not realize not all people reading are McGregor fans and that some people are Trekkies? Kotaku editors share things they personally like that all the time that you might not like. Things that don’t have anything to do with gaming. Better to just