
Yup. Not many like the king Joffrey equivalent around Gawker and they’d despise you for liking him.

Are you the type of guy that clicks on an ad and expects to still be on that same site? You’d almost think io9 is about gaming instead of sci-fi/fantasy etc. Makes sense considering who you’re defending though...

Refusal to accept people to play on Xbox One and PC? What? Please read the original statement again:

Adamant about Steambox? I’m a PC Master Race person? I couldn’t care less if Valve went bankrupt today... Are you resorting to personal insults because you can’t respond to my actual arguments? You can also just agree to disagree without the name calling if you don’t want to actually respond to my arguments...

Because pc copies are cheaper to begin with. Buying a console just so you can get a game twice for the price of one? Why not just buy a Steambox instead then? Or just play on your pc and not buy an Xbox One at all? I can’t see anything other than this decreasing the Xbox One sales, with the Xbox One now being a

And I know a ton of people who will now sell their Xbox One or not purchase one anymore and plan on getting a gaming rig and/or PS4 instead.

The effects of core gamers speaking of Xbox One as a mere cheap underpowered pc can be very big though. Despite people mostly buying 3rd party, just knowing their console can run ‘some unique games’ is something you can’t just downplay. We don’t know the actual impact things like always online had on X1 sales to the

Making more of your exclusives available for pc = more potential Xbox One sales?

Same reason that fan pic doesn’t look like One Piece at all besides the obvious clothing and hair. It’s a part of the One Piece signature style. Changing the style like in that pic makes it look like Deviant Art crap :/

I think we’re discussing completely different things now, since I haven’t said anything differently. Again like I stated at the beginning, their INTENT seems malicious. You’re missing the point here, people are not talking about what constitutes their trademark, which is already explained in a lot of videos, there’s

They didn’t throw their lawyers at her because they couldn’t, not because they didn’t want to. I’m pretty sure you don’t have to cease and desist to think they are infringing copyright, the Tweet and Facebook post make that pretty clear. They didn’t sue because they didn’t have a leg to stand on, which is why this

No, the Fine bros don’t see that AND AND AND formula as their format. There’s no Youtube channel whatsoever that has copied that exact format, yet many videos were put down regardless.

That’s the whole point. What IS legitimately their format? Certainly not the generic term react, nor the concept of kids/teens/eders reacting to videos/food/culture etc.

Nowhere did I say them wanting to make more money is a bad thing. I’m saying them being out of touch as to what should be rightfully theirs is a bad thing. Watch the video in the top comment about splitting hairs concerning the REACT trademark specifically.

“Active users” are what’s important here and they have a whole team to put this stuff together. The bots and inactive users are certainly in the millions as well. Though they certainly will still be rich by all means, they won’t become the big corporate company they hoped to become.

If you see how they reaced (no pun intended) in the past to Ellen Degeneres doing something remotely similar on her show, it becomes very clear that their intentions weren’t good at all.

Whar format? Trademark a format that isn’t theirs, about people that aren’t them, reacting to videos that aren’t theirs?

That last sentence made me laugh hard. Thank you!

Listening to customers out of desperation is still backpedaling...

I like how GT did it tongue in cheek, rating a game by describing how they felt playing it. “Like chilling in summer with a cool summer breeze”, “Like a sweet strawberry milkshake with a bad aftertaste”, “Like a hairy turd that’s sweating bucketloads”.