“That is saying absolutely nothing as I was never going to touch communities ever, anyways.”
“That is saying absolutely nothing as I was never going to touch communities ever, anyways.”
Hope he doesn’t lock himself in...
Some look like the characters from Sword Art Online.
Not really any evidence, just extrapolation of data by a party with an agenda. Big communities are usually on to something though, so I believe it’s at least partially true, but no facts to back it up at all. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I guess we’ll see what’s true in the near future.
Maybe he comes off a bit agressive, but he’s right. Don’t let the pro level players deter you from playing CS.
Any legit sources?
The real question is: Why is a comic that shows what GTA mods are about, fun? Why? Why are comics based on gaming so bad?
Beside all that being very basic stuff, that would only be the case when there are no subtitles at all. The point that the comic and I are trying to make is that when there are subtitles, they aren’t well implemented. Not because of the things you said, but because of simple fine tuning after the basic mandatory stuff…
Is that really true or is that your guess both in cost and popularity? Cause I would guess the vast majority of gamers isn’t native English and sometimes have a hard time following what is being said at times, like myself for example and I don’t even think my English is that bad.
Seriously devs... Timing your subtitles can’t be that hard, can it?
Your blind MS defending makes you delusional. Since you don’t know the difference, here;
This isn't even an example of an "Only on Playstation" trailer, it only has the logo to show it's broadcasted by them. Like prety much every single tv station that broadcasts anything. Sony doesn't try as hard to mislead, unlike their console rival.
The binary nature doesn’t necessarily make people read the review, that’s what the problem is in my opinion. People that see a “no” will generally just brand it a bad game, eventhough it could be a decent game that the reviewer just didn’t enjoy as much (Uncharted: Golden Abyss comes to mind). If they see a yes then…
Not contributing to metacritic is indeed a good thing (since metacritic is the worst), but that’s the only good thing about it. If that would really be Kotaku's reason, they could just ask not to be included.
I liked VLR’s plot a lot more (might the best in gaming to me). It’s also a bit more mature, but it’s clearly inspired by Danganronpa with the whodunit trials, the Monokuma clone and the out of this world plot. People tend to prefer the ‘original’. Might be the puzzles vs the social links or the (in my opinion) higher…
Kotaku (or some of it's journalists) is always criticizing scoring systems in gaming, but their binary system is worse than even metacritic. If you really believe giving a game a score is a bad thing (it is to some degree) then get rid of the yes/no binary system to conclude your reviews.
People saying sport X is boring are generally just boasting about how they don’t give a fuck about how ignorant they are.
Between the PS4, 3DS, Vita and the Wii U, all those platforms are vastly different.So when you have to make a choice, might as well go for the two most popular ones.
I love how the Japanese refrain from stereotyping and insulting muslims as a whole.
Yeah, you are right. I meant helping with publishing, not actually being the publisher.