Don’t you mean edited it for kids 12 and under in the first few lines? Although with what all the kids are exposed to nowadays, maybe us adults need to be protected ;)
Don’t you mean edited it for kids 12 and under in the first few lines? Although with what all the kids are exposed to nowadays, maybe us adults need to be protected ;)
It won’t be a part of the seasoning pass however.
Agreed, but it’s probably cause I don’t like fighting games to begin with. It was awesome and unique as a kid, but now there’s already plenty of brutal games that aren’t fighting games.
Still beats Naruto by far, although that’s not much of an accomplishment to be fair.
Of course it is. It always had the best d-pad ever!
Is there any way to register to GAF if you don’t have access to non free email accounts? I lurk the forums almost every day, but I can’t post which is like an itch I can’t scratch.
Pier Solar, FFXIV and Citizens of Earth might count as well depending on the definition of a JRPG.
They look awesome to me! I have to admit though, I’ve never seen a black guy with a mohawk in leather boots.
Duke Nukem Forever never became good and there are dozens of games that were bad or broken when released, but became good or even great thanks to patches and added content.
I love them as well, but to be honest I don’t see it come together when you have a contraption for every single object. Combining it in a viable way with the vr walking contraption, gun etc doesn’t seem to be an option the way they do it now. Would be absolutely awesome for some kind of VR amusement park though :)
Yeah agreed, It's very rage proof, forgot to mention that!
Yeah agreed, It's very rage proof, forgot to mention that!
"I know I'm an old," An old what? An old ass? Yes, yes you are.
Sorry, I meant '(had) a decent price' as in the price seemed to have gone up since and I hadn't compared prices. I bought one for around that price as well years ago and indeed, it's still as good as when you first buy it :)
Sorry, I meant '(had) a decent price' as in the price seemed to have gone up since and I hadn't compared prices. I…
Logitech G400
Logitech G400
I don’t think anyone in this discussion is feeling threatened besides the one requesting the removal, but that wasn’t what I was referring to anyway. I was wondering if Erika’s ‘joke’ (if it even is one) was acceptable or that’s she’s just being hypocritical, not the one she requested to be removed. The ‘joke’ about…
But I still want to put you in concentration camps and kill you all for being ‘men’. Acceptable joke of hers?
Putting their heels in the sand so far that the other side does it as well. Now no compromises are made between the sides on actual important things, instead of silly jokes and opinions. Same sex marriage is still not legally accepted across all states, and we’re living in 2015.
It’s this weird American polarization, having only two sides that matter (repbulican vs democrat). Generally in western Europe the left (and even the right wing for the most part) is way more left than in America, but when it comes to being offended over small things, it can’t hold a candle to American liberalism.…
No offense to Americans, but this seems to be like the extreme republican vs extreme democrat view. You have to be for one or the other. Depending if you like the joke, you’re either this conservative homophobic asshole or you’re a tree hugging communist. God forbid you get a long great with gay people and you are all…
I like Final Fantasy combat more than Persona’s too, though I don’t find it boring. Still most gamers and critics think highly of it, while a lot of people gave up on XIII altogether, so I think you’re in the minority finding it boring.