
To be fair, there were barely any amazing exclusives in the first year for the PS3.

They will probably be able to jump 20 feet in the air too and Kotaku might make an article about how realistic the jumping animation is. You're just incorrectly using earth physics instead of magical Final Fantasy world physics.

Again just because some gameplay mechanic is done a lot of times already doesn't make it in any way casual. Counter-Strike GO isn't a casual game because we've all been shooting enemies since Doom and Wolfenstein, neither is Minecraft a hardcore game because the gameplay mechanics haven't been done before.

No, it really does not. I've been gaming for around the same years as you do and many that are excited for The Order have been gaming a lot longer than you and me. Just because it's more of the same to you does not in any shape or form make it a 'casual' game. Almost every single race game would be a casual game by

This proves why the term 'casual' is dumb. Just because a game doesn't have a lot of innovative gameplay mechanics or even just plain gameplay, doesn't make it a game for casuals. All kinds of people love a good game experience. Having that experience through an immersive world with beautiful visuals doesn't make it a

I think it's a change of strategy after the horrible sales of the Vita, albeit not one that works well. The Vita was too expensive to make and now they can produce it at lower costs and therefor sell it at a more competitive price. Producing both versions will only cost them more money and since they don't sell even

Hey same for me! Together with the GBA SP it's my favorite handheld. It's cool to see that people that do own a Vita are absolutely in love with it. Kind of sad at the same time too...

Damn, that's some Microsoft level spinning from Nintendo. Now we just need Sony to come out to say the Vita is the best selling console of all time* to complete it.

This isn't even right is it? Going by the picture it counts a third party multiplatform game like Rayman Legends and counts pokemon twice. If that counts then the PS4 alone has 21 games with an 85+ rating.

One Piece non animated movie confirmed!

Well then he might still be right ;)

People who purchase hentai, or erotic anime, are not always anime fans. In fact, they're often not! Anime fans are a small niche compared to the wider number of people who sometimes buy hentai. But, anime fans are the ones that will take all the blame for the misconception.

That would be more like the opposite of weeaboo. Or do you mean that they go against the statement that everything animated is anime?

How very uncharacteristic of you Luffy!

I think it's just preference. I'm the same as you, average height with large hands, but I prefer the Vita's sticks.

Hmm, apparently Sonic photobombed it. Too fast to be noticed...


Nigeria should have a civ. Their prince is apparently so wealthy he sent emails to millions of people around the globe offering a part of his wealth.

Twitter is like reading all the headlines of the subjects you're interested in. If it would be more than 140 character you wouldn't have a clear overview. Kind of like the frontpage of Kotaku, it only has a set amount of words as well. If you want to read more on the subject, you can by clicking the link provided.

The amount of clipping issues would be over 9000