
How awesome would it be if Steve Harvey read out at the inauguration:

Donald Trump is going to be the President of the United States of America. Compared to that, a Deadpool Oscar nod seems reasonable.

Hockey players are so much scrappier than the thugs in the NFL.

i thought he also said “i’m a cyborg now” implying that he could rock a manual again?

i read the post differently. I thought he now would be ok with a stick since he’s “a cyborg now”.

Chevy SS. Get the extended warranty from Chevrolet.

Hang on a minute, I live not far from Manchester and know this car park well, it really isn’t that big! It might take an hour (At the very, very most) or so to cover all floors and spaces. I’m thinking there’s a little more to this story than meets the eye.

I dunno man, if he’s 15 in 2016, that means that Empire was a 21-year-old film when he was born, he is literally old enough to be the teenager of an adult born AFTER the movie came out...

Big fan of HJs

“The problem is, that’s all spectacle. It’s all shiny surface. For movies, however, there needs to be depth, something underneath the shiny surface. Hopefully, this movie will finally provide that for Transformers.

I won’t argue your opinion if that turns you off, but I tend to find the movies funny enough. It kills me to say it, but Shia LeBouf actually does a good job as Sam for the first three, and Wahlberg is funny enough in the father role of the fourth one. Also, I don’t see it as chauvinism since technically the US

Unpopular take: I enjoy all of the Transformers films, and I do not get upset that plots based off of cartoons in the 90s do not have adequate character development or a well developed story. Sometimes it’s OK to just like movies for the visuals/action and not need a deep, compelling story every time.

I think it’s because he’s a scientist that is able to explain complex concepts to the average person, much like the reason Bill Nye gets a lot of publicity.

think of it like we mean to say it like it’s the definitive ferrari.. with a a capital “F”.. you might say that in english. Like it stands for all ferraris.. that’s how we mean LaFerrari

Regardless of what you believe vs. I in regards to God’s existence, my church does some absolutely amazing things to help the community with the donations they receive.

Yeah, no change.

Commentor Busslayer upthread summed it up best. It’s not about black voters, it’s about white voters. Specifically, it is about the white voters who are on the fence about casting their ballot for Trump due to his racism. This gives them the “out” they want. It soothes their nerves when they can say he reached out to

He isn’t trying to play to black voters. He is pretending to play to black voters so white voters that he has horrified with his open racism will give him a second chance - “oh look, maybe Donald isn’t a raging racist asshole after all, I guess I can vote for him without having a guilty conscience.”

He’s the six million dollar bro. We made him bigger, stronger, faster, but we couldn’t get him to stop laughing at the number 69.