
“Look guys, we changed it so it’s less bad. We’re the good guys now!” No you’re fucking not. It’s still a grindfest so you can sell lootboxes. Everyone who pre-orders this/buys this in the first month is a dick for enabling them.

Thank you, I loved reading this.

I’m not sure how the Wachowski’s being transgender necessarily translates to the films having an LGBT subtext. That would kind of be like saying that all directors insert their gender perspective into a film, regardless of the films content/context. Which would kind of make for an awful director...

The GameCube controller is the most efficient and intuitive controller created for mainstream consoles.

In all seriousness, that is an interesting question and kudos for even thinking to ask. MrQuojo does have it right; I’m not even sure how to respond. If I were to sum it up, I’d say don’t worry about it. The fact that you even considered this speaks volumns. Not everyone ends up going to college where they want to.

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

CHP found the infiniti. They think they know who was driving it too. Just trying to find him now

“They may have had a bit of luck, but in general, people succeed because they are willing to work hard when others won’t.”

225k is beyond middle class, so yes, it is rich. You will not have to want or worry with an income that size, fuck off. This isn’t trying to decide whether 100k in NYC is rich, it’s 500k.

Why is this so hard to understand?

I consider myself borderline and I make low six figures. If you don’t have to worry about money and can still save for retirement, you’re probably rich.

No one is being “penalized”. What is wrong with all you bootlickers? They make money at the pleasure of the rest of us. “You didn’t build that” etc. That they get to keep any money is their reward.

“Why not just buy a real open-wheel race car that would dust the Vulcan if that’s your thing?”
I guess I dont get that comment. If they were a hardcore racer, they would take your suggestion. Something tells me these guys, FOR THE MOST PART, bought it as a bragging point and just to add to the collection.

Today I Didn’t Learn: who Clay Travis is.

i think they are still useful as the cable/satelite operators can pad those numbers for bigger money from advertisers. Nielsen is the “neutral” party.

There’s nothing inherently broken. Soccer teams pull in more money than motorsports teams. It’s that simple. More viewers, more attendance, more events, more interest. LMP1 convenes like 10 times a year. Even a single NFL team plays half-again that number plus the fact that there 30 other teams holding their own

Soccer is far more popular, and this makes a lot more money than motorsports. The question isn’t what it costs to operate, but what revenue you get from those operations.

Solution to quiet e-racing. Each car has theme music. Playing. You can have the A-Team theme chasing the Dukes of Hazzard, who are pursuing Deutchland uber Alles, trailing is COPS.

In fencing not shaking your opponents hand is a black card - ejection from the competition and a ban for 3 months. It sounds like a good president for this new-growing sport.