
I'd be willing to bet that regardless of who was in the suit that it would have been bad - the articulation in that suit doesn't look all that amazing and seems that it got a bit bound up when he lifted his arm.

They should've had some actual professional pitcher in the suit - even a minor league or a guy who just pitched in college would do. Either way, they could've easily hidden who was in the suit, and made it look like "RoboCop" could actually pitch really well (and gotten much more publicity).

Grab a camera with a long lens....anything over 150mm...and hand-hold it and see if you can hold it steady.

I'm sure you will hold your position and keep pointing that camera steadily the next time a MiG comes towards you to drop a bomb where you are.

I like things like this that get people thinking. Remember the Center for Disease Control issuing a guideline for what to do during a zombie breakout? Silly though it might have been it had a lot of good tips that can apply to any emergency.

In a lot of ways it is a natural evolution of what has been going on with micro-transactions. Instead of just buying digital information , games like this give you an actual physical representation to go along with it too.

Its really clever marketing. They are essentially selling DLC, but giving you a figurine with every DLC purchase. If you looked at it from the "How much more game am I getting for my dollar?", you might feel like the additional content isn't worth it, but tossing the figure in causes you to treat it as the thing you

I've never have understood the anger over pimping home runs. Cole started this whole thing by throwing a horrible pitch. If he should be mad at anyone it should be himself.

Why do baseball players (especially pitchers) take such offense to the most minor things? In other sports, you usually don't see guys get super upset over the littlest things. Like in basketball if you shoot a three pointer and make it, you can do a little celebration and the guy guarding you won't get butt hurt and

in before small block everything


Anything from Tron

I find the Tron Light Runner to be obscenely cool

Lola T70 in THX 1138.

Real Steel.

I gave that pool a Camaro. Pools love Camaros.

Soooo I hate to be that guy but this is my cousin. Jelani is a fantastic musician. I used to pester the shit of of him as kids to either play Star Wars or I just Called to Say I Love You. He used to play professionally when he was about 12 at this awesome pizza place that has an organ that rose up out of the floor. I

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.

I would like an app that would enable me to tell my car that I need it, and then it would come pick me up and we would turbo boost out of trouble.