
Hey what’s this I Heart radio all about cause I haven’t heard all about it every 10 minutes while I’m in the car or at work or just browsing for other podcasts like a thousand times (seriously though stitcher is legit, thank you for introducing me).

Valid. I went to church for a catholic funeral last weekend and went for the wafer just to see if they changed the flavor like they did all the words. They didn’t.

Anyone familiar with this Toronto team knows the headline should be “Raptors Advance As Raptors Blow Fourth-Quarter Collapse”.

What kind of religion is Takkarist


This exchange has probably been a weekly fixture in my life and I assume it applied in this case:

I’d bet the room sizes and configurations of each floor would give some idea of who is who. Corner rooms on the higher floor might be best?

This is fascinating but my only question is how many games will Tom Brady be suspended?

If I ever had the opportunity to take a picture with him, I’d ask him to put his hand’s over mine before proclaiming “We’re ballers!”.

HELLO! That little shimmy shake at the rack is Jack Armstrong with the jimmy! BACARDI!

I still miss Chuck Swirsky.

In a just world they may tee off against the bruins in the first round, but in this cruel world they get to tee off on the golf course in the second round.

Because it didn’t involve New York, LA, Trump, Washington, fackin Bahstahn, Nancy Pelosi, Murder/Aaron Hernandez, the number 69, or Florida obviously.

This is the wonder of an iso offense. The ball goes through those two most of the time. It’s kinda like how kobe scored 60 in his last game....on 50 shots.




I had a “FRIEND” (wink wink nudge nudge) sell me an ounce of his shake for 50 bones once. He had a shit load. I think he sold a lot more volume than I thought but eh hind sight.

This guy must think we’re a bunch of Busters.

That sadistic son of a bitch is probably leather bound in assless chaps playing with his voodoo doll again.