
I’ll give you some perpective. It’s spring and the busy season for work. I’ve done 49 hours this week and will be working through the weekend. I like catching the ends of games when getting off work around 9 or 10 instead of the second period and then having to find out what the score is at 5 in the morning, an hour

Maybe whoever used ms paint to put this together doesn’t know rain from reign

Stellar reporting, Tomithy.

Please elaborate on green to tee. Do you hit out of the cup and the tee is a gate or is there some sort of handicap?

Fucking assholes jumping and making marks on the green like that.

Better than Thole?

Every mention of d’Arnaud reminds me how much I hate the R.A. Dickey Josh Thole trade (as a Jays fan).

Every mention of Syndergaard reminds me how much I hate the R.A. Dickey trade (as a Jays fan).

You take back the Jose and Hillary comparison right now. Hillary is a whiny flip-flopper. Jose is a winning bat flipper. =/=

Oh man, I’m really hoping this doesn’t take a Detroit turn where ball is rubbed on ass and child licks assball

It’s like winning a game against 300 different teams and instead of going a game up or getting 3 points he gains 3 minutes (which is just conveniently the time ahead he finished).

What about ppl who disable screen rotation hmm?

Bread and butter pickle slices, chaddar cheese, and mayonnaise.

I once lost a spelling bee because of cheif

You still get your diploma after 4 years. The fifth can be used to make up or receive additional credits if you don’t make it into some school or program you were really aiming for.

Papa John 3:16

117) Drug testing day

...and the fact that they can't get in to watch said wrestling.

Can’t handle the strong stuff, eh

I’m sorry you’re sorry.