
This guy, right here. I feel like an investigative journalist would dig into these details and report on them. Our thoughts on this may be shared though, so don't be suprised if one day of "Leak Week" is devoted to the 'Reverse Image Search Patent People'.

I'm sure FIFA will find a way to levy sanctions on Russia for this. They're part of NATO right?

I was wondering why Mike Leake had a 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 line for my fantasy team. Guess he got in the game after all.

Ahh that makes sense, especially with a rubber ball. I'm not working on the highest def screen haha

5:45 a ball appears to land foul but is played as fair. I also am confuse

After closing as one of the biggest championship fight underdogs in UFC history in his first fight upset versus Barão, Dillashaw would now be one of most favored champions ever against Soto.

I don't know why you would have us all go out on a limb when coach Gilmore is able to confirm that Guild will be able to do this himself.

Second link mentions that the opening was "incident-strewn". I'm curious how many of those may have involved Kogay.

That is quite the pie-chee ma-chine-gah

"Guys, guys. I was just there to save my nephew."

I like this plan. It seems similar to the 'plans' laid out in The Four Fingers of Death by Rick Moody (in terms of sending multiple spacecrafts for one mission). It is a longer read (although nothing compared to GRRM), split into two parts. It is partially inspired by B-movie, The Crawling Hand.

Some observations: an eyepatch, a helicopter, a sound stage, and a shitload of security measures.

I sure hope he didn't call Brown his fuckbuddy.

Still is.

Kooky people who think Internet waves are invading their minds like to move there, just to escape the electromagnetic horror.

Now playing

Fuck yeah! Why do you think us Canadians are so fit?

I looked it up though: ACARS is an automated system on-board the plane, while ASRS is reported by pilots after ALL near-miss incidents, regardless of severity. Imagine if cops were automatically monitored (perhaps automated detection of firearm discharge) and were required to self-report all incidents in which they


Do you mean the ASRS? Because I was going to mention the same thing. (ACARS may be another acronym I'm not familiar with)

Actually, we retired the Loonie and Toonie for what we like to call the Woodie and Metalie (the spelling is Quebecois). Basically, no more paper/polymer money and we use wood and steel discs (NOT coins). It's worked out pretty well so far.