
Um... how about you sit down. It was you and your candidate who lost the general, and so far it is you and the democratic party that is failing our country. So how about we hear from the young folks and hear their ideas, because right now your record ain’t lookin’ so good.

nifty answer. sounds like you’re just some jerk who’s more than glad to step on anyone who gets in your path rather than take the time to understand that your experiences may differ from others. And it’s not a matter of wanting to be a victim. there’s a breaking point for every person. and if it starts as early as it

They chose to not pursue skills and knowledge which would make them more attractive to a job without a drive thru.

So, uh, do you have any sort of argument against what I said, or just that I’m just too white to understand political reality?

Are we pretending that the Democratic party hasn’t been sucking at the teat of the corporations for decades now and basically give zero fucks about working people except to exploit our vote whilst doing not a fucking thing for us with its neoliberal policies?

It’s this kind of stuff that turned so many people away from Hillary.

I find it fascinating how Democrats love shouting down the guy who would have smashed Trump to tiny bitty pieces in the general election. Hopefully y’all can primary us another “I promise you no great changes and more of the same” politician in 2020. Clearly that’s what the swing voters want.

Always good to hear from the “Well, just get a better job/education” people. They’re the ones who believe in unicorns.

Come on, that’s not fair. On many levels. A friend of mine worked there after we graduated law school for some time because it was the only way she could get health insurance. A lot of the baristas at my local store are putting themselves through school and they have some serious hustle by networking with customers.

Then they’ll be motivated to get that degree so as to not be stuck at a drive through their whole life.

Most times it’s not a choice. inaccessibility is a problem to many people who’d take the chance. It’s hard juggling a job or two and doing college, even part time. The job market sucks, and it’s a deck that’s thoroughly stacked against you from the start. Even with a degree.

High Schoolers and poor people deserve to be yelled at and treated like shit because they work at McDonalds? Talk about a hot take.

you realize that no-fuckin’-body chooses a job dealing the with public on purpose right? there are people with multiple retail jobs. I highly suggest you shut your mouth and think about the plight of these people, and how fucked the job market really is before you open it again. This is not a choice that people make

How’s your turnover rate with employees? Asking for a friend.

Congratulations! You have won the award for the worst comment of all time.

You do realise the employees did not made the product nor they get extra money, right?

The people aren’t giving the employees their money, though, unless Starbucks has some kind of profit sharing or people normally tip. Likely as not they’re working much more than normal and not seeing an increase in wages.

The io9 writing staff’s hate for this show is becoming comical.

nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself.

That the best fantasy novels/movies seem plausible. That means a balance with historical accuracy.