
A black woman writer wouldn’t necessarily somehow make it better or more “authentic” as the experience of “blackness” and “womanhood” aren’t entirely homogeneous. To the point, if you think that they’re not going to write her character “black enough,” then the fault there lies more with you than them.

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

I call it the Shiteverse.

I still like “Abramsverse” - he took the paychecks for Into Darkness, so he can take the credit and the blame. I’ll always think of it as Faux Trek in my mind.

I, as well, welcome our new cephalopod overlords. Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

Now I’m envisioning an undercover activist wearing a tear-off outfit taking the job and then halfway through the event, when the line is longest, tearing off her clothes and screaming LOOK AT MY PIERCED CLITORIS YOU GUN-TOTING MONSTERS and then Zoidberging out of there.

I did know that she was someone in pop music, but that was all.

I’m really glad you told her, and I really hope people see this comment, because I hate, hate, hate the misogynistic “wisdom” too many people share in this sort of situation about how women are all terrible bitchmonsters who will obviously shoot the messenger and therefore one should just let their partners mistreat

Yes to all of this. Nobody wants or needs to experience my spawn being All The Way Three in public just because she exists. I have politely apologized (in advance) to other diners in family restaurants (during daylight hours!) because I hold this sacred. We stick to family places with the kid, and try not to stay past

Well, it turns into stupid fucking drama three-quarters of the time. I am one of the people god never intended to go to the movies because I develop bat-hearing the minute I sit in a theater seat and can hear ANYTHING ANYONE SAYS ANYWHERE IN THE STATE for the duration of time in the theater. I had to develop a

Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

I think what would have been WAY more awesome is BISEXUAL Xena. I LOVED LOVED LOVED Xena growing up. I was ages 9-14 during its run and I remember shipping (before the term came about) both Xena/Aries (God of War) and Xena/Gabrielle.

The problem is Shannara is the wrong fantasy series to adapt to film/TV. It was very generic, even for its time. A much better choice would have been earlier, grimmer “pulp” fantasy such as Conan, Elric or Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. People always talk about how Game of Thrones made fantasy “gritty,” but longtime

This really isn’t a surprise be cause Sanders appeal and can win over working class White voters than Trump can lure. The point about electability is about appealing to the most voters. PoC generally vote Democrats, but lots of WCW are leaving Democrats and becoming independents or Republicans. Sanders may win 4, or 5

Or a silicone copy.

I find it interesting that this article does NOT touch on the fact that this is not a personal phone, but a government owned one, and the government agency has given permission for them to open it. Also, it does not discuss that the order specifically states that the software is to be written specifically for his

Too bad it’s not a 5s; if it were couldn’t they just mash his lifeless fingers on the home button to unlock the phone?

watch out for the Kudzu and fire ants, Oh and wear a flashing blue light...Its hunting season.

I think babies look like old grumpy men.