
No thanks. Unless they can merge it with the new Ghostbusters.

Say what you will about the 2016 Ghostbusters... but it was genuinely appealing to my daughter in middle-school. So much that she dressed up as Holtzmann for Halloween. Role models for girls her age are pretty slim pickings.

Besides being teenagers, could they also be mutants? How about turtles? Martial artists?

You don’t know any of these people. I do.

“I don’t understand how people fall into a cycle of low wage work” would have been a much better statement to make and wouldn’t make you like an asshole.

I think people need to calm down with this “Call-Out Culture” stuff. It’s going a few steps too far. I get it when it’s white girls wearing saris and Native American head dresses to Coachella and all that, but “we need to call out the fictional African religion referencing a real-world Indian primate deity in a comic

And yet a country that is smack dab in the middle of Africa worshiping an Egyptian Cat God is all fine and dandy? Honestly, this seems like such a stretch. This is 100% a writer taking interesting concepts and adapting them to fit a story, its not appropriation in anyway.

pescatarians eat fish. a vegetarian pulling fish out of the water with no intent to eat them has some larger thinking to do

Take them to DC. Trump will have done something worthy of them by the time you get there. Probably several somethings.

So where does Steve Bannon fit into this?

And all those stupid GOP people will be like: “See global warming is a myth because it’s so cold out!”

Who are the %*#$^%$ people out there spending money on micro-transactions? I want to slap each and every one of them for enabling these companies.

While I agree with your premise I’m not sure I do agree with the underlying morality of it. Trek has always presented us with the idea that morality, optimism, diplomacy and hope can win the day, especially during ambiguous times. DS9 is ultimately a testament to that - if Section 31 had had its cynical way, Odo would

Right you are! A head, some ears, 3 maybe 4 paws, a little snootle. I don’t even want that creepy tail; just a big soft bottom and a purr.

Now THAT’S more like it. I don’t need a hairy dick hanging from a hairy testicle.

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

Dammit, why couldn’t federal loans be included in this? I need my student debt wiped out, please.

Because they can’t. You match what was drawn as closely as possible. Changing race/sex/sexual orientation, or any other aspects should be punishable by years in prison. As is any other violation of continuity. Don’t like it? Don’t make Bebop/Star Trek/galactica/whatever. Make your own thing and fill it with the

Man, you sure do love the word menial.