
He started something and now he’s not too sure.

This makes every single FBO I have ever flown out of look like a Greyhound station littered with heroin addicts and old McDonalds wrappers...

You should see if he would do an AMA, that would be cool

They've been testing cars on a rolling road ("dyno") for at least the past 15 years. They measure tailpipe output at 15 and 30 mph. The days of just letting the engine idle to measure emissions are long gone.

Yes, you heard that right: that 1977 Lamborghini Countach with the beautiful Gandini design and the gorgeous unspoiled wedge shape – the car you drive 350 miles per year, only on sunny Sunday mornings while the dew is still on all the leaves, and your neighbors are still asleep, and people on the 405 are just climbing

Meanwhile, in the US...

Yulp, First the came for our Coal Rollers... and i said nothing....
Then they came for our Negative camber... and I said nothing...
Then they came for our Aftermarket Body Kits... and I said nothing...
Then they wouldn’t let me touch/tune my ECU and i said nothing...
Then they came for Grey market vehicle and I Lost my

Jersey is bizarrely nanny-state about a lot of things (I think they mandated—as a state—that our belts had to be <2 years old and that we had to have head and neck restraints at NJMP), but this is kind of awesome, not gonna lie.

I don’t know... as a foreigner living in Belgium all I can do is shrug and say “Belgium...”

Long way round you say?

Doug, you have fully redeemed yourself in the eyes of 505. Brilliant video, and good subject matter. I knew you had it in you

PR#3 would have turned on 80 column mode. I'm not just old, but I have two Apple IIs within 4 feet of me right now.

No, I REALLY want a new Singer 911. I'd also like Selma Hayek and Halle Berry together, in a ball pit, naked and wrestling in custard, sadly I can't afford that either.

Now, I don't mean to say that you can't consult the forums when you're thinking about a normal car. For example: believe it or not, there actually is a Toyota Highlander forum, and it's reasonably active. But the issues are more like: "Check out how funny my Golden Retriever looks in the driver seat of my Highlander!"

I think I agree with you across the board, which kind of frightens me. I especially agree with the "of the time" exception because there is no way this is wrong.

I fecking LOVE the US version. The UK one has gone beyond parody, I barely bothered watching the last series.

I can't believe he was able to work out the weight and balance on a 172 after figuring for his huge brass balls.

Seems appropriate....For the record the photo was taken in Sept 2013 at the Athabasca Glacier along the Icefields Parkway. Go 2cv!!!

"$500 minimum for a quality brake job that's due every year or so if you're driving this car like it deserves to be driven." LOL what? I have owned my M5 for 4 years and never had to replace the brakes on her. I guess some people just know how to drive better than others.