
E39. All day err day.

Firstly, I'll apologise for living in Europe and hence being able to do this but I just added a CSL to my two car garage and oh what a joyous thing it was to do :)

They should just shut the fuck up and join the ride sharing movement. The reddit post summed it up perfectly how bad cabs are compared to ridesharing companies.

Dirty Sanchez.

Erm. You forgot something.

What's wrong with Eastern?

They have tried a similar tread design in the past with the Aquatred.

Only 15 more years…..

After school schedule:
TailSpinChip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Darkwing Duck

fuck mayflower

This list is bogus with out a w126.

Are you sure it's plural? I've never seen two buses at once, and there have only been four bus sightings. It could very easily have been the same bus.

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

I love blue.

Here is a quick (and mighty dirty) fix of the 130r.